• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • To properly shoot web at anything, follow these simple steps:

    1. Aim your shooting adapted limb, abdomen, perforation, cavity, crevice or device,
    2. Find the sweet spot between accuracy and precision. Eye squint is optional for dramatic effect or — in some cases — even increased accuracy,
    3. Shoot

    Possible outcomes:

    1. Preferable, you have hit your target. If you possess one of those flamboyant or more cocky styles, this is the perfect opportunity to use your well-prepared one-liner, punchline, slogan or motto. If you are on more villainous side of the spectrum, now is the time for your very intricate and extensive power monologue that is unavoidably the groundwork for your upcoming defeat or demise,
    2. Unfavorable, you have missed your target. Use your mixed Chill and Charisma perks to redirect the build-up of residual tension, sourness and shame onto other subjects. Great resource on how to handle those situations is the bestseller “You were not born a loser, or how to invite success into your life with unfairly dealt hands, or how I started blasting” by Danny DeVito

  • Can I grab this one?

    I have created quite a few for people and my designs were successful at landing well with employers.

    Firstly, most of the time luck is a deciding factor and there is no brute forcing through it, so stay strong and keep searching. There can be a lot of mind games around the recruitation process.

    It is easier to explain how to improve a resume based on any input as a base, but it is good to have two versions, one lighter and the other one more strict / professional.

    When people were spreading wide nets during the job hunting, that was a minimum — you should present a vibe that at least kinda matches the position. Good to have a printed versions and digital, PDF file is a solid choice.

    For some positions, where you are any type of a representative, taking care of customers is one of your main tasks — consider a resume with a picture.

    It should not be a factor but obviously, it is. And please don’t have a “zombie” or any “gangsta” face. Terrible picture is worse than no picture.

    Another baseline is one page only. If you have a valuable list of actual experiences for more than one page you really don’t need to write a resume most of the time and even if you do, there is a way to compress the education or work history sections to provide a full picture and add some detail for the last or two most recent positions.

    Yes, one page, really.

    Two most important aspects to really pour your time and efforts into:

    1. Proofreading. Check it 20 times, seriously. I saw so many resumes thrown into the bin just because there were two spelling errors in two words in the first line of text. Check it one more time, check if your email and phone number are valid and don’t use silly email addresses (in 99% of the cases). Give it to a partner, friend, parent, sibling — ask them to check if anything is or feels wrong. If you are — for any reason — making your resume in language you don’t know, use a professional help, don’t use automatic translators etc.
    2. Design. Whether it is good margins, readable lists, using font sizes to guide the eye of the reader, sure it is not about using every option in your text editor, don’t go crazy with fonts — styles and amount, if you know what are you doing, one is the perfect amount and two is actual maximum. Well constructed page can attract recruiters or employers and makes your resume stand out or hold the focus for those crucial five minutes.

    Don’t use any “crazy” paper, especially with glitter or colored, paper weight can help tho, you don’t want a flimsy napkin or so stiff paper that you could kill with it.

    If you are making copies, check if they are good and readable. Please, don’t let it get bent, wet or stained. Have a folder or something to protect it during the transport.

    They will often treat it like shit or write on it but deliver it in a neat condition.

    If your country requires for legal reasons any clauses to be present — check the official, most recent guidelines.

    I hope this will anyhow help you achieve your goals or at least, get you started.

  • Depending on the situation. Simplified, obviously:

    • If I can actively do something about it immediately or soon enough “<myname>, you know, you can do it and it will really help you”.

    • If it is more on emotional basis “<myname>, I love you / you are important / I know it hurts / I understand — what would you like to do?” saying this type of stuff often and since I can remember, made me respond automatically, whether it is something simple like “I would really like to have an almond ice cream today” or “I am watching the movie tonight / going for a walk” etc or more advanced like “I will do X, Y and Z — in this order”. Having a self-checkup as a tool is really helpful.

    • If it is a more complex situation — firstly comes a quick energy level check, followed by looking for the simplest part of the problem as a hook to get the ball rolling or a solid rest (passive or active) to restart the system.

    • If it is a really overwhelming / prolonged thing, any form of contact / consultation, either with partner, family, friend or a professional.

  • On a daily basis? 99% of the time it is to myself. Now I just thought „I will write a meaningful and a super honest answer for a cool, self-reflection provoking question”. Yet, here we are. Any second now, my comment is almost finished and yet, none of that happens. I almost did it tho! Oh, another one, there, just there…

    More seriously, lying mostly just costs too much energy. And more often than not, too much time. At least, this is how I feel about it now. I’ve often heard “fuck, you are really a straight shooter / unapologetically honest, ain’t ya?”. One person will enjoy and like that, someone else would love to (very slowly) burn me for it — both sides have their solid / valid reasons.

    The best thing, I would like to get a better grasp on is using the blunt version versus cozy version — I often get it quite right but there is definitely plenty of room for improvement.

  • Oh! I didn’t see it when it came out. I saw it around 2002 — and let’s just underline one thing here, some people in my family can really pull proper pranks. With this movie (all this is not happening in the US) my cousin made the whole introduction for me and others “this movie is not actually a movie, it was not played in many cinemas, it was banned almost instantly, you can not buy it or rent it, I ordered this tape via a magazine about unresolved police investigations from around the world and this is just a montage of what was found there… I saw it only once, it is pretty disturbing, weird. I don’t believe in anything supernatural but fuck, this movie makes me question some things now…” — like… come on! I heard and read so many different versions of this story from others and their experiences almost always boiled down to the same conclusion for me, the movie was just a possibility to make everything around the movie so much more impactful than the movie in itself, urban legend for creating more urban legends. Next level sneaky move. On the other hand, “Yeah I saw it, it’s all fake and made up, someone explained to me how it’s all a hoax, really nothing special, stupid, boring and not scary at all” — how circumstances can change everything.

    The other, similar one was during “The Ring” where my uncle was calling from his cellphone on their home landline every time the phone rang in the movie. They were so boggled about it to the point where they were rewinding the movie to test it… They didn’t finish it. One of family legends was born on that night…

  • Oh, something I actually know something about as I was working with people choosing pictures for the gravestones and/or funerals…

    There are no strict rules, but I always saw the tendency for going with voices of the family “he looks really handsome on this one”, “yeah, that’s her face, you know, she always looked like this during the fall, her favorite part of the year” and so on… This might not be helpful but the best one is the one representing the connection as much as possible.

    I have this strong feeling after so many of those — sometimes very unpleasant — talks, that anyone that has to choose, already made that choice internally, they mostly just don’t want to make it officially, as it is making the loss and whole situation even more real.

    It is mainly for everyone mourning, a form of expressing how they want and need to remember this person. I would go with the one that pulls the string inside “yeah, that’s them, that’s how I see them”… Most often, that picture was actually making people smile, cheer up, even if through the tears, that was the sign for me that we have the best one.