tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • It is very limited though. I would consider Germany more on the decriminalized side.

    You are allowed to own a small amount. You are allowed to grow up to three plants at home. It is illegal to buy, sell, or import.

    There is rules for having cannabis social clubs similiar to Spain, but the rules around them are quite complex and a lot of it remains unclear, until the law will have been interpreted in court decisions.

    Some German states have already announced that they will make life hell for anyone smoking weed in legal public spaces or operating a legal cannabis social club. Also the level of permittable THC for driving is still undecided.

    Currently any level of blood THC is considered a DUI and can not only get you a fine, but also a suspension of your drivers licencse with an extensive “medical psychological check up” if you want to regain your licencse. That “check up” is run by private businesses who also sell courses on which answers are right and which are wrong. Basically anything beyond “this was the only time i swear, i was in a bad place and i should have never done it and i am so sorry, and i will never do it again” is a wrong answer.

    Now we had an expert proposal for a higher level of permittable blood THC. The proposed level has yet to pass but it would effectively be fine for occasional users, but still a problem for regular users, as it is close to the baseline THC level that they have.

    So all in all it is a great step forward, especially considering how the “debate” from the political right and fascists was run around 1970s war on drug prohibition and cultural deprevation talking points. However it still creates many aspects to watch out for and it should be noted, that the political right wants to do everything to reverse the laws, when they likely win the elections next year. The problem with that is also that the center right social democrats are still internally devided, with many of them still thinking of weed as the devils lettuce.

  • I think we need to add the consideration, that representative systems put the blame on people, when in fact their actual influence is extremely limited.

    Oh you voted for party xy? Then it is your fault that they fucked the people over again. But come next election all the media and political propaganda is telling you how that is the only acceptable party and the other ones are all evil…

    Oh you took on the student debt to take the education that you were told by all mainstream voices to be necessary for you to have a decent live, but the cost of living and your debt eat up a lot of your middle class income? Well how were you personally so stupid to do what society told everyone to do. It is all your personal fault!

    We life in a capitalist oligarchic society that structurally takes away peoples participation opportunities and their freedoms while claiming to give them all the freedoms and blaming every result of an entrenched system on the individual.

    I disagree with the claim that the people who prefer authoritative systems always lack critical thinking. If the actual influence you have is almost zero, alleviating yourself from the blame that is put onto you is perfectly rational.

  • I used to work at an utility company that started to build, or rather started to plan to build a new site, for something that mostly exists in developed countries already. The normal projects thus were usually expansions, upgrades and refurbishments.

    Getting to build from scratch, and especially at that size is an amazing opportunity. Unfortunately though mixing the slower processes of a utility company with political interference in an unstable political environment, company leadership where the CTO role was vacant for multiple years and the rest of management is classical business school people w.o. engineering background and insane ideas about new management practices, bogged the whole thing down pretty harshly.

    With the managing practices i’m talking about things like bonus systems that most companies tried in the 90s and got rid of again. This is particularly absurd as the companies goal is to provide the utility at cost coverage, not to maximise profit. But it gets even worse, as the main issue is lacking cooperation cross departments. In an environment where people are already clingy to “this is our department standard, i will follow it precisely because i dont want to take risks”, adding on top conflicting KPIs that impact peoples salary is a recipe for desaster with a 100% guarantee.

    Also they got an insane idea about “desk sharing” to cut down on office space rented, since most people are working from home. But they didnt increase the allowance of work from hom days. So you are basically forced to stay at home on specific days and go to the office on other days, so you can meet both quotas, effectively taking all the benefits for the employee away.

    I left and i’m not looking back. I would have loved to continue working with the colleagues though and i am still amazed by how they try to make the project happen despite every boulder the company throws into their path.

  • There is a few things that deserve clarification imo.:

    For who it wasn’t clear from the pictures, this is not a natural grown forest. It is a pine tree plantage, and as such subject to getting cut. Also there exist plans from the 90s to develop the area for a factory. So the value of the forest is less in its quality as a natural habitat. This is a distinctive difference, from the protests around the Hambacher Forst for the expansion of a lignite mine, where people also built a treehouse camp. The Hambacher Forst was the closest to a natural forest you could get in Germany, before it was cut down for the coal mine.

    In ecological terms the damage from the Tesla plant primarily comes from its water usage and possible water pollution in a region under high water stress. The violet means an extreme drought. I circled the region we are talking about, where the Tesla plant stands.

    The act of sabotage temporarily cut off electricity to thousands of households in various parts of Berlin.

    The households affected werent in Berlin, but in the area in Brandenburg. Berlin is all surrounded by the state of Brandenburg, with what we call the “Speckgürtel” the “fat belt” around it. That is many towns and villages directly outside the city limits, whose inhabitants usually work in the city. The Tesla area is kind of at the outer edge of that belt.

    It also halted work at the Tesla factory for at least a week, likely costing the company hundreds of millions of euros.

    It is important to note, that this is exclusively the claim of Tesla. It is not yet verified by third parties afaik.

  • I disagree. Thge main purpose of Israel to the US is to sow division amongst the Middle Eastern countries and to keep the US allied countries under control. Putting the countries against each other and putting the people against their leaders, but in a way that is still supressable with US support, is the cynical way of keeping the region weak. China made it happen that both Saudi Arabia and Iran have joined the BRICS. If those two were to reconcile with each other, the US strategy would fail. By confronting Saudi Arabia with a clear moral failure, that they are yet unable to speak up about, they make it more difficult for Saudi Arabia to seek alliances outside the US influence. At the same time the people are angry with their leader to he needs the US arms support to be able to supress his people, if shit would hit the fan.

    It is only creating a headache for Biden because not only are the Israelis commiting genocide in Gaza, they feel so sure about themselves, that they are also bragging about it. If the Israeli public, in particular the supporters of Netanyahu wouldn’t be so bloodthirsty, that they demand the genocide to be accompanied by genocidal rethoric, the US and Israel could do about the same, while keeping it under the rug.

  • Sorry but this is just wrong. Israel is very explicit about attacking all Palestinians. They are also explicit about their plans to drive them from their Land even more. The US full well knows and supports the Israeli plan to commit genocide and mass displacement to the Palestinians.

    The only purpose of the current actions is to create a veil of deniability, to not be charged as a direct accomplice in the crimes. If the US had a genuine interest to fight Hamas, while helping the Palestinians, they would have sanctioned Israel to hell decades ago, established a new UN mandate and return the stolen land, while providing proper justice and opportunity to the Palestinian people, until either two equal or one united state is founded.

    The US has been enabling Israel in its crimes against the Palestinians and through this enabled Hamas, as well as helped the Israeli government to help Hamas, which Netanyahu himself was very outspoken about.