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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I’ve tried bookwyrm and hardcover and a few others. In general I think they’re getting there, but there’s weird edge cases where it’s not as smooth an experience. Partly because they don’t have a critical mass of users, partly because Goodreads really was in a pretty decent place when it effectively froze.

    All that’s going to improve over time, but atm, for me, switching costs from the old platform aren’t worth it.

  • I wonder if they miscalculated the install + maintenance cost vs the charging fee they’re giving customers. Like if it’s not balanced correctly they could be losing money on each charging station. Maybe the stations require more maintenance than they anticipated?

    That seems like a super basic thing to do if you’re running the business, but so much of the initial rollout was about availability and low cost and do-it-now that maybe that was a secondary concern or they thought there’d be higher adoption by now. It also seems like a simple fix, raise charging prices and say why. But maybe either the discrepancy is too big or they’re worried about customer/media backlash.

    Or maybe it’s another example of “move fast and break things” running into the real world and not being viable.

  • There is a lot of abandonware and stuff where the companies just dissolved and ownership of any IP is questionable at best.

    But also I don’t think there’s a way to give Nintendo/Game Freak money to play Gen 1 Pokemon at the moment? There’s plenty of stuff like that. Sega and SquareEnix and some others have done a decent job of licensing/re-releasing some games. But there’s plenty out there that they ‘could’ release and seemingly have no interest.

  • I’ve always been Android, but the easy counter is just “why do people feel the need to replace their working phone every year.”

    Car companies have a new model every year and even among those who could afford to, very few people feel the need to have an annual car upgrade cycle. Products aren’t (/shouldn’t be) fashion.

    Apple’s got a weird cult thing going, partly because the first few generations were legitimately large upgrades. I’d be curious about the stats of how many non-influencers actually upgrade annually.

  • The “hyperloop” ignored centuries of lessons from making metro/subway transit lines and is suffering for it.

    Single loop, single track operation so you have no tolerance for an individual vehicle having problems or delays. 2-3 passenger vehicles, each with a driver, instead of gaining throughput by putting more passengers per vehicle. To try and make up for the first two, incredibly time sensitive load/unload operations, which mean you have to ‘train’ passengers and load them and their luggage in <30s/person or the entire system suffers. High wear on the vehicles because it’s rubber on ‘rock’ instead of metal on metal.

    More operating vehicles, all of which are only constructed to consumer standards, operating in harsher conditions than they were built for, for longer than they were meant to run without maintenance, leads to more breakdowns faster. Any breakdown trashes how the whole system works, because it’s a single track operation.

    The Victorians literally built better subways using horses and vacuum systems.

  • Funnily enough the movie they made was supposed to be the intro to a TV show.

    Trying to expand Gunslinger to bring in more backstory (and reeeeeeeally messing up the backstory) killed both the movie and the planned TV show. It’s crazy how well their plan could’ve worked if they hadn’t tried to fold too much into the “prequel”. Dark Tower even has the built-in “out” that this is a different turn of the wheel.

  • I feel like every MH game I’ve tried to get into I play a few dozen hours and just lose interest, same as most Soulsbourne games.

    Different weapon classes with significantly deeper movesets than is ever explained, have to be tactical about when to move/attack, “boss fights” rely on reading the enemy’s moves and reacting appropriately.

    The moods and details are black and white different but I get the comparison.