Apparently this is being disputed. Biden started the ball rolling about getting an armoured EV fleet. Sounds like some document said Tesla on it but now it doesn’t.
Apparently this is being disputed. Biden started the ball rolling about getting an armoured EV fleet. Sounds like some document said Tesla on it but now it doesn’t.
Do we support CostCo? I’m not sure if that’s a joke or if they’re cool.
Everyone’s in here acting like this is happening because they’re getting rid of shops. The shops wouldn’t be going anywhere if people were using them.
People use digital media because it’s so much more convenient. I’ve moved house three times in the past four years and it was so much easier just having to move my console rather than lug a bunch of games with it. Plus I can buy them while I’m sitting on my arse and I don’t have to go to a shop or wait until the next day for a delivery.
People are using digital media because it’s convenient, not because the shops are closing.
Was Dishonoured 2 any good? I finished the first one but it was really soured by the whole chaos system thing. I really didn’t like how I was supposed to play the game without killing anyone to get the good game. Playing the game without killing people is boring but the sad ending is so depressing it makes you feel like you failed.
As everyone in the comments is saying, PCs are obviously modular already, but it’s not exactly something the average person is going to do. Maybe they can make it simpler and more accessible so it’s more like swapping the keyboard.
Just a thought I’m having, but rather than just spamming Reddit with Lemmy links maybe we should promote it more on Linux type areas, at least people coming from there will find their niche content here.
How is Lemmy (or whatever) ever gonna scale up to the size of Reddit though? If they can’t deal with trolls and bots and spam then what the hell are we gonna do?
I was alive during the dot com bubble and I don’t think normal people even noticed it. The web was a lot less centralised back in those days and stayed that way for a while. The websites that people were actually using didn’t go anywhere when the bubble burst but there was a lot more website turnover in those days anyway. People were always moving to a better newer service and there were multiple search engines that people used. Then AltaVista turned up and that was the engine to use, until Google turned up and everyone started using that. I still remember when Google was this cool new thing that most people hadn’t heard of.
Nokia were crazy back in the day but I think people may remember them a bit too fondly. I remember how whenever there was some new tech or idea they would absolutely trickle them out just to try and squeeze as much money out of you as possible. If there were two new pieces of tech they’d release two phones, with each of them having one of the new pieces of tech. Back in those days they just refused to make the absolute best phone possible. That’s one of the biggest changes that came from the iPhone.
Honestly, saving money is great. You spend money and it’s good for a short while, but you save money and you get so much comfort from that safety net, from not worrying each time an envelope comes through your door that it’s going to be some bill you can’t afford.
I honestly think the whole Linux community should be reading that sub rather than acting like Linux is perfect. Right now desktop Linux is for very tech savvy people who are willing to put in the time to learn and fix, and it’s for their grandmas who only need a web browser and maybe a word processor. Anyone who thinks differently needs to get their head out of the sand. I use Fedora.
The first three panels could have been enough.
It’s not impossible to do at all. Until you’re 30 there’s lots of countries that will let you have a working visa. There’s some cultural exposure program to encourage young people to travel the world and experience different cultures. I’m pretty sure Canada’s on it. I’m not interested in going to the States myself, I like how much room there is but the culture isn’t for me and I find the towns and cities dull.
I like travelling myself and I’m always looking to move somewhere else, being at home is just boring to me and I find it hard to settle.
If you want to make a life of it you need to look at getting some kind of job which will enable that kind of lifestyle like the military or some kind of diplomatic service.
I’ve lived overseas myself and you need to be aware that every country has good points and bad points. Something that seems like a quirk will be fucking annoying after a few years. It’s all good fun though.
The concept is so cool, how could they mess it up?
Not rootless but I can see the device, and even in privileged mode it doesn’t work. I’m currently trying to find a docker image I can run as root and prove the Coral is working.
I’ve been trying to get Frigate working, on and off, for about eight months now. I’ve got a Debian server but it just won’t detect my Coral TPU inside my Podman container. Since you need such an old version of Python to test the TOU I can’t prove it’s working in the host so I don’t know if the problem’s with the drivers of either my container setup. I vowed to get it working over the Christmas break but it’s still not there.
How’d you get Haswell working? I run vainfo and it complains that it can’t recognise the chip but I’ve followed everything on the Debian wiki. When I google the error all I get is people complaining about it being the result of a bug and the responses are usually from developers promising to look into it.
I don’t think people nowadays can comprehend how basic the OG Napster was. You searched for a file and every single person with a matching file would come up as a separate result. When you downloaded you downloaded only from that one person and if they cancelled it or whatever before it finished then it was gone and you had to start again. You couldn’t resume, not even from the same person with the exact same file.
I’ll listen to it on the radio a few times before I decide if I like it.