thank you for this great advice
Most of my co-workers don’t like me. My boss doesn’t even like me.
if your boss makes clear he doesn’t like you, why are you still working there and why don’t you have plans to quit?
I mean I don’t understand why this is not a reason good enough to start looking for employment elsewhere. Don’t you find it tiring? don’t your coworkers and boss wear you down?
If my boss makes clear he doesn’t like me it’s only a matter of time before he starts treating me differently, giving me the worse assignments, refusing to acknowledge me…
This would affect me to the point of starting to hate that person.
I’m guessing you cursed out a coworker and not for the first time.
Not what happened.
there’s a difference between cursing the poor work done by a coworker and cursing a person that was there and wasn’t responsible for the dressing.
I don’t understand why you choose not to see the difference.
why are you so easy to trigger?
You could work, but at a slower more relaxed pace.
and pace myself so I finish when they do, even when they start later, so I don’t have to do my job and theirs… smart.
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why? are people really this thin skinned?
fwiw these people I described are not the doctors, but like 40% of the nurses. Doctors are not the reason I quit, but these nurses are. I’m actually gonna miss working with some nurses here, the good ones, the drama free ones.
does that means listening to dumb stories I don’t care about? My brain starts yelling me to leave.
It would be bearable if they didn’t act like children (another coworker, a neurotypical one if you like, told me that).