
  • 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • “When it detects a user may be under 18, Google will notify them that it has changed some of their settings and will offer information about how users can verify their age with a selfie, credit card, or government ID.”

    Selfies are useless as proof for young adults and people with a young face. No algorithm can tell a 17.11 yo from a 18 yo so it will flag every single one of them.

    This is a way to normalize handing over your details for the next generations. Nothing more.

    The good news isn that once teens figure out that other browsers and search engines don’t stop them from finding porn they might stick with them.

  • There is no need to communicate like this. I actually had already learned about this app and checked it out yesterday on a different community with way less people and there was no article there. I just saw the opportunity of this post as way to discuss it.

    I like to make a few things clear that seem to cause confusion.

    1. I made my post in full understanding that it probably does not feature a “preference based algorithm”, trying it out did not gave it the impression it did. But i want to be more sure there is nothing along those lines included and tried to engage in discussion about the need for preferential settings. Its somewhere between a genuine and rhetoric question.

    2. Call me pedantric, trough i prefer autistic but “algoritm” has like i explained a specific meaning to me. Its mathematical formula for a specific purpose. The app in question is code, code is math. Randomizing code (which are never truly random btw) uses an algorithm. You can not tell me that the app uses NO algorithm, well oc you can but to my brain that does not compute. Any form of customizing the feed, even a hack, would be algorithmic in nature.

    3. I disagree this (and many things) require a full fledged article, just a clear few line description or like including those quotes you put up here would do for me. I know the internet likes to make everything into “news” but i don’t have to like or partake in that. I prefer to spend my time engaging on lemmy about the topic directly because that (this diverted discussion included) helps it grow.

  • YSK: most tiny refrigerators are super wastefull and can often cost more energy then a fullsized one while not even keeping the food consumption safe.

    Obv i dont know what types of refrigerator your mom had access too but for everyone else just because its smaller doesn’t mean it costs less.

    Technology connections has a video on thia i believe.

  • Great question because honestly, nothing beats more secure then a set of offline disconnected hardrives in a vault with copies at your parents/kids house vaults.

    The main benefit of self hosting is accessibility.

    Immich (photo server i self host) is just an app on my phone, i can upload pictures from it just like i would on many proprietary clouds.

    I can equally use it to view pictures and download/share them using whatever communication app.

    Immich is not connected to the internet, i need to be on my home network to use it, much safer.

    I do expose a nextcloud server to the web, and gave family members an account. This way we have a secure way to share photo albums and any other files.