Took the L on this one
Took the L on this one
Vous le faites déjà, chaque fois que je suis à Paris j’ai zéro likes sur Tinder 😔
Pour un peuple fameux pour le foie gras vous n’aimez vraiment pas les boulettes transatlantique
Some people don’t want to conform to your leg-prisons to appease your draconian fashion sense
I feel like it would be one of those high AC/low damage roll fights
It’s the same combination on my luggage!
I went to bed at 10pm after cleaning my bathroom and putting away my clothes. I woke up 5 hours later with a cold. No regerts
Wait I’ve been saying bola-taro this while time
I am currently both. But I slack because I am the go-to guy for knowledge, not doing
That’s because the deal has already been sealed. They typically wanna keep you off the market, not increase your “resale” value. Unless you’re into that kinda thing. Like, cucking or sharing kinda kinks, not human trafficking. Human trafficking isn’t sexy. Unless you’re into that kind of thing. Like, as a fantasy, not as a real thing. Real human trafficking isn’t sexy. Unless you’re into that kinda thing. Like, as in humans stuck in traffic or transforming into cars and being stuck in traffic, not as being sold as a commodity. Unless you’re into that kind of thing.
Things do get looser as you get older
I’ve been trying little things to help brighten their day, like artisanal wallets or little jokes that I write down on cards and put in my pockets
Here’s a neat trick, just draw a viola then make it slightly smaller
“My cabbages!”
Screenshot meme and send it
It degrades the quality which thus adds psychological incentive
Source: am shitposting ho
People on here are sick. We’re talking about something tragic. I lament the loss of something as beautiful and precious as this. To think that a mountain could be tainted by being favoured by a genocidal dictator… no mountain deserves to be treated that way.
This post reads like shit!
truck boner go boing
A Van Halen Trojan van, where a mini van held Van Halen. In our folly, we took in the mini van to spite the shitposter’s offering to Povanden, unbeknowst to us the dangers that would sneak in when we let our Vanguard down.