Using Bitcoin or Monero on the dark net is like wearing a neon suit while claiming to be invisible. It’s a high-risk move, akin to boasting about the unsinkability of the Titanic or hiding in a glass house. Both offer a false sense of security, much like expecting an ice cube not to melt in the desert.

    7 months ago

    The thing about the chain is that it’s a perfect ledger of everything you do. Doing things “anonymously” is interesting, except for all it takes is one tiny slipup for people to know not just who you are and your transaction, but your entire history of transactions. Most of the people caught have been because they did something like that, like buying a dominos pizza once, and that account was linked to a real name, or linked to another account with a real name.

    Not that using a credit card is better, but personally I don’t ever trust myself that much. Cash is the only way to buy something truly anonymously.