Wyoming Area: 253,335 km2
United Kingdom area: 244,376 km2
Wyoming population: 576,851 (2020)
Glasgow urban area population: 632,350 (2020)
Despite being 7.9x bigger than Wyoming, Nunavut has half the population of Cheyenne
that’s because it doesn’t exist
Yes. It’s especially annoying when people who live in places like wyoming act like they’re “real americans”. More people live in cities! Brooklyn, NY alone has ~2.7 million people.
Every person who usually resides in America is a real American
Sure, but the attitude I was trying to describe is “those city folk aren’t real Americans. Only country folk and maybe suburbanites are!”
I failed to include the exclusiveness in my previous post
Australia’s Northern Territory area: 1.42m km2
Australia’s Northern Territory population: 246,500 (2020)
Greenland area: 2,166,086 km2
Greenland population: 56,583 (2022 estimate)
Nice. I guess Antarctica’s next.
There are 5 times as many trans people in America as there are whyomingans.
Would probably be 8 or 9 times as many if poor people in Wyoming could afford to move and no trans people felt the need to pretend to be cis for safety too.
Straight Border Syndrome.
The straighter a places borders are, the less likely it is that there’s anything there worth fighting over, and the more likely that the lines were drawn thousands of miles away by people who’d never even been there.
That’s most of the US/Canada border. That little tick where Minnesota sticks up into Canada is because a treaty was made with a map that didn’t actually show the accurate geography there.
“In Europe, 100 miles is a long distance. In America, 100 years is a long time.”
I remember seeing something a while back that US archaeologists don’t like Europeans on their dig sites, because the Europeans just bulldoze through anything less than a few hundred years old because the interesting stuff is way under it, where the US ones are like “noo, our heritage!”
No European archeologist would do that. Maybe 19th century ones, like Schliemann, who was so anxious to find the Troy of legend that he plowed through all layers above it.
But modern archeologists would absolutely not do such a thing.
And they get 2 senators and 3 electoral votes…sigh…
Why did I think there was two million people in Wyoming, what the hell happened?
We don’t talk about The Incident.