• AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I’ll vote for Biden again, just as I did for Clinton and Obama before.

    It’s water pumps on the Titanic though. I do it knowing all it is doing is temporarily staving off some people’s social policy torment as we sink, so it’s worth doing to sleep at night, but it’s solving nothing as both the Neoliberals and fascists take their orders on economic policy from the same owners. We are encouraged to fight over social issues either created by or exacerbated by economic policy we aren’t permitted a vote on. Example, you know what would drastically reduce the numbers of abortions en masse without any kind of ban? Income equity, because abortion is often an ECONOMIC decision for good reason. But we’re left to argue over the symptoms of of our mass economic servitude, not the servitude itself. We don’t get a vote on that short of suicide.

    It’s not worth celebrating that we the people have no choice or vote on the economy we need. Climate change is worsening for private profit, dangerous AI tech is worsening for private profit, income, housing, food inequity is worsening for private profit, and neither the neoliberal, the fascist, or their Congressional tribes refuse to do shit to change that systemic problem.

    Remember, grow grow grow! ☠️

    • RedditWanderer@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Vote the person you want into power, and then make their life miserable until they fold. Protest, halt the economy, get out there and ask for what you want while those people are in power. Beats asking for what you want while they are not, and election week is not the only week that matters.

      You rarely ever see a protest in the U.S, and if there is one it’s always wayy too late.

      • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Protest has become a bad joke here. Get a permit by the state officals that the profiteers own and order around, at a designated protest time, in a designated protest place so as not to disturb the eyelines or profits of those being protested.

        That isn’t protest, that’s unmitigated acquiescence. When the oppressors make the laws, and they do here, mass revolt is necessary. The owners let us protest in the above way precisely to completely devalue and depower protest here.

          • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            Harder? No, I’m saying getting a permit from those your protesting to protest them makes protest here as effective as masturbation.

            Protest all you like, just make sure you protest where, when and how the owners who literally use their power/capital hire organizations to write their preferred laws and legally bribe officials to enact them demand you do under threat of the state violence they own. But that isn’t really protest, as protest in the true sense involves disruption. American protest has become permission to stand in a designated corner together and be angry while not disrupting a damned thing.

            Protest by the dictates of permit, and especially permit issued by a proxy of the protestee, is the opposite of that, defanged protest.

            • RedditWanderer@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              I was being facetious. You’re supposed to “protest”, not get a permit. These people in these other countries also aren’t allowed to protest, often with much harsher penalties for doing so.

              Permits! Go stand for your country whatever they say. The only reason you need a permit now is you didn’t do that last time. The longer America waits the worse it will get. Once Trump gets voted in you won’t even have the right to vote.

              • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
                6 months ago

                See that’s the thing, we crow about how “free” we are, but our police are militarized. You don’t get a permit for an ineffectual fake protest that won’t disrupt commerce, and suddenly we are no different than Iran or Hong Kong, and our police WILL kill us for “lawless” actual disruptive protest.

                When you cut through the intentional bullshit layers they point to to convince us we’re “free” our capitalist owners are just as willing to kill us to maintain power as Xi or any other totalitarian regime, our totalitarian regime is just a consortium of private shareholders who realized it’s easier to convince their slaves they volunteered through propaganda.

                • RedditWanderer@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  That’s what these other countries face to. Death. Hell they don’t bother militarizing the police, they just send the military.

                  All im saying is it only gets tougher the longer americans wait

      • JaymesRS@literature.cafe
        6 months ago

        Also, work to get more seats filled with democratic butts in other states so we don’t have to prevent all defections. Florida democrats and others seem incompetent right now, seems like it’s prime for a takeover by talented organizers. Do what Harry Reed did with Nevada.

    • Zorque@kbin.social
      6 months ago

      Well as long as you acknowledge that we’re in a sinking ship, you shouldn’t need to do anything about it, right?

      Maybe focus less on your actions that aren’t fixing things and more on your actions that are.

      Unless you think going on the internet and complaining actually accomplishes anything.

      • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        I think it’s important to point out that while voting will stave off some cultural suffering and that’s reason enough, it will do all but nothing to address any of the many greedy profiteer made crises threatening humanity.

        So, so many people think their vote IS addressing said crises, while our system is configured to prevent that and it won’t at all. So we can vote and then ALSO revolt, burn the profiteers and stop their quest for reckless, terminal growth/metastasis on a finite world before they burn the planet, our only COMMUNal habitat we all rely on from one breath to the next.

        It was pathetic to watch Trump’s idiots attack the profiteer’s paid middle managers in DC in his honor btw, hilariously wrong target Wall Street is a few hundred miles north if you want to affect positive change.

        So it is important for people to know that if they do want humanity to have a future that isn’t fighting to survive on a planet we’re turning against ourselves and cant turn back amongst other capitalist stoked dooms of our own species’ making, that yes, go vote, save persecuted groups from being scapegoated by the state by voting Biden, but if you actually want a future for the species, we need to do A LOT more than that small gesture.

        But don’t worry, we in all likelyhood won’t, and we’ll all burn with pretty I voted stickers on our chest, is what it is. 🔥

        • Zorque@kbin.social
          6 months ago

          I think it’s important to point out that while voting will stave off some cultural suffering and that’s reason enough, it will do all but nothing to address any of the many greedy profiteer made crises threatening humanity.

          Sure. But you and every other doom and gloom poster on the internet are already doing that. It’s news to literally no one, and the only people saying that it will be a magical fix that will turn the world into a paradise aren’t going to listen to you anyway.

          It’s also important to focus on things that will change things instead of just always focusing on the negative. Unless of course you want the world to burn because you get some kind of perverse glee in watching everything turn to shit around you.

          • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            I’m voting for Biden. I don’t want the world to burn.

            But I also don’t want to hear a single god damned “if only we knew! If only we’d done something! This is such a random act of God!” when a CAT 6 kills millions of people on the Eastern seaboard in the coming decades.

            I taunt because people should be more than ready to fight and destroy the market and central bank servers where the people doing for ego score points store their records of power. If it was just me, I’d die and people would laugh and that would be it.

            But I say what I say to try to be part of that one in a trillion chance of helping to make enough of us angry enough to do it together. There’s approx 3k billionaires on Earth, and approx 28,000 100 million-plus-inaires on earth obsessed with and powerful enough to burn the world for their ego scores. We need to burn the god damned ego scores and their backups. Full reset.

            Until then, they leverage those ego scores to keep us at bay while destroying our habitat. We can stop them, we in all likelyhood won’t, but again, enough angry people have beheaded tyrants. It’s possible… with enough people. Or humanity will just burn 🤷