But of course we all know that the big manufacturers don’t do this not because they can’t but because they don’t want to. Planned obsolescence is still very much the name of the game, despite all the bullshit they spout about sustainability.

  • stoly@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I’m also confused here. I’d have thought that any format decoding would happen on the phone.

    • Buddahriffic@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Bluetooth does use compression to get higher quality sound out of the relatively low bandwidth (vs what a wire carrying an analog signal can handle, which is continuous in both time and amplitude domains, so effectively infinite sample rate and bit depth, though it’s limited by what the DAC can put out as well as what the recording ADC (and/or mixing software) picked up in the first place.

      There’s a set of codecs in the Bluetooth standard and devices don’t have to support every codec in that list (iirc some are proprietary and need to be licensed, plus more support requires more circuitry or firmware if it’s decoded by a programmable decoder). I’m guessing that’s what they are talking about but asked in case they did mean they thought not seeing mp3 and flac on the list meant they can’t listen to songs encoded in those format.