hot take?
Edit: got nothing against Ubuntu, it’s Linux after all and that’s what matters 🌻 Edit2: people took this very seriously for being a shower thought…
hot take?
Edit: got nothing against Ubuntu, it’s Linux after all and that’s what matters 🌻 Edit2: people took this very seriously for being a shower thought…
No, Apple gives off hipster vibes to the average PC user. Apple products are basically jewelry, you choose Apple products largely to be seen with them, so that when you slide that phone out of your pocket there’s that Apple logo on it. So that your bubble is blue in iMessage. That’s hipster shit.
The average PC user has never seen Linux running on a PC and doesn’t understand what a “distro” is at all. Ubuntu and its default Gnome DE isn’t as easily mistaken for Windows as KDE or Cinnamon is, so this one might spark the conversation a little faster, and “average” Windows users tend to compare Linux users of all stripes to vegans.
WIthin the Linux community, Until maybe 5 years ago Ubuntu had the “beginner OS” stank to it. “Start here until you’re ready to edit xorg.conf like a real man.” Canonical has been shifting away from “Linux for the masses” and more toward “Leveraging synergies” to the point that I straight-up recommend against Ubuntu for daily use as their Snap ecosystem has a lot of disadvantages for desktop users especially gamers. To me, Ubuntu is a radial arm saw, the wonder do-all death trap grampa won’t shut up about that no one makes anymore. In the modern day, best practice is to forget they exist.
What is the best distro for gaming on Linux?
I can’t argue with 's answer of "SteamOS running on the Steam Deck. Beyond that, on normal x86 gaming PC hardware? There isn’t a meaningful answer. I have perfectly good luck gaming on Linux Mint. Others prefer Arch or its forks, some prefer Nobara which is on the Fedora family tree.
What’s the best distro for gaming on Linux? The one that you keep installed.
Technically, steamOS because it’s designed to play games and it’s what the steam deck uses. That probably won’t have many other non-gaming features though, and I’ve personally never used it. In my experience, you can get most games without a hyper-aggressive anti cheat working on any Linux distro with varying degrees of effort, just a matter of having all the needed libraries installed! The more popular distros like Ubuntu, popOS, Fedora, even Arch (btw) should have a lot of helpful information out there on how to get Lutris or Steam set up.
Personally, I’ve been gaming on Arch with minimal issues for 2 years. Mostly stick to steam games for the low effort required though.
Only snowflakes use Linux. Linus Torvalds has only 150 million (but how much % share?), give him more, you unadulterated extremism of an example of a species with some kind of brain. Lol, do you even hear yourself when you’re posting
You sound like you play Call of Duty.
That’s actually accurate, but I got a private server ban back in 2007 because I made too many headshots 😋 Never bothered to mess with them noobs again, until now it seems.