It felt like it was uncool to have even a touch of racism when Obama got elected and through his presidency. But since the MAGA movement, I feel like subtle and out-right racism has increased. Like a gateway was opened.

Am I trippin?

    2 months ago

    Okay buckle up, this is a bit of a crazy ride.

    I’d say a big event that kicked up a load of the racism we’ve got today was 9/11.

    Right wingers went on a big public islamophobic tirade against anyone who they thought looked slightly Muslim for nearly a decade. This is where they got used to being confidently racist. This actually happened all over the western world, but I’m gonna focus on the American events after this.

    Then Obama got elected, and relatively quickly a vast number of them had expanded their confident racism to include him, because they could hide it behind the flimsy excuse of criticising the opposing politicians. Then you had people banging on about the Kenya thing, which was just more emboldening.

    This is also when we saw a lot of these “free thinker” talking head fuckos show up, and they start filling gullible viewers heads with lies and a tiny bit of racism sprinkled in.

    One of the guys behind huge amounts of that, Steve Bannon, expressly targeted “angry young men” as a specific demographic he saw as easy to manipulate. Believe it or not GamerGate was one of the sources of angry guys he specifically manipulated to great success. So all these podcasts start getting funding and certain kinds of guests, and before you know it we have the manosphere, MAGA and an openly racist, criminal president.

    Then of course COVID comes along which gives another angle for them to be racist through sinophobia, and also a new hook to pull people in and then get their brain warped slowly by the other cryptofascist topics that get dripfed from people talking about it.

    Basically, the original event showed some Machiavellian right-wingers that a big enough enemy can be used to brainwash people towards racism, once there, they’re incredibly easy to manipulate. They then used Obama becoming president to test the theory and got the results they wanted. Next was to get the presidency in the hands of this new right-wing, and finally the January 6th coup was supposed to be the final touch.

    That failed so they’re back in recruitment mode, and now they’ve got it down to an almost industrial process whenever some celebrity/influencer espouses a right wing view, a podcast set appears around them and suddenly all the funding they need to make the pod full-time, just as long as they get some certain guests on or discuss some topics in particular.

    Edit: worth noting I tried to trim this down a bit, so a fair few events have been left out.

      2 months ago

      Oh yeah 9/11 ruined all kinds of things. Seriously I want to be in the timeline that diverged when 9/11 never happened.

        2 months ago

        I wonder how different things would be now if Roger Stone (still politically involved Roger Stone who was a major player in the last Trump administration and who has a back tattoo of Nixon) hadn’t caused the Brooks Brothers Riot and fucked up the counting of votes in Florida allowing the supreme Court (whoch at the time had multiple clerks that Trump put on the court) to declare Bush the winner.

        Yeah, it’s been all the same people, fucking stuff up, all along.

        2 months ago

        It wasn’t even 9/11 itself that did it. It was the government’s and right-wing public’s insistence on LETTING BIN LADEN WIN by overreacting to it that did it!