• Stupidmanager@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I had the privilege a few years back to see one of these fighting a traffic ticket in court. Guy tried a few, “I am not a citizen“ sovcit laws, then switched to constitutionalist as the judge was shutting him down. All in 3 minutes. I assure you, the judge told him the fine stands and would increase if he didn’t pay. He was calm about it and didn’t even qualify the sovcit arguments, but offered trial where he could present in court. All this over $73. Which would have been halved, had he agreed to pay today.

      My dad got caught up in a variation of this in the 90s. He won the IRS award for “fuck around and find out”, by not paying taxes. They drained all bank accounts with his name, including my childhood savings - 25k from grandparents. Then he switched gears and the next 20 years he prepared for the end of the earth, with the next 10 battling hidden dementia and planning for a war because Obama was president.

      Mental illness is a rough thing. It unlikely ends well for sovcit.

      • Sorry to hear that about your dad. I’ve got two of those in our family, too. Well, my dad would be, but he was a cop himself once and is a staunch, practicing Christian and I think his ethos is founded on profound respect for authority - even if he doesn’t agree with them. The one placed he breaks any laws is a tenancy to speed on rural roads. My MIL, on the other hand, is practically an anarchist, except not really; she just thinks she should be in charge, and everyone should be doing what she believes. She’s the one with dementia, and even if I didn’t think QAnon/OAnon weren’t insane grifters, I will never forgive them for what they’ve done to her. She wouldn’t be nearly so bad if she didn’t consume that idiocy.

        Dementia destroys families. It really helps if the person was diagnosed early and accepts the diagnosis and gets medication. Undiagnosed, or late diagnosis, of Alzheimer’s and dementia is the worst case. Paranoia is a common symptom, and once they decided that it’s not that they’re not going crazy but that The System and their family is out to get them, it’s just a living hell.

        • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Yep. My dad had a late diagnosis. We didn’t really understand what was going on until he tried to attack a cop. At age 82. He died in a nursing home a year later after a very quick decline, so at least he didn’t suffer for long… but he was a pretty angry person his whole life and we just thought he was getting more angry and crotchety. But by the time he had attacked a cop, he had found a reason to decide every single friend he had was actually out to get him and some of them told me after he had died and they found out it was dementia that they were really sad because they didn’t know what they had done wrong, including one of my dad’s former students who was absolutely devoted to him… and still is. Just a few weeks ago, he sent me a link to a long, glowing article he wrote about my dad. He had the cover of one of my dad’s books as a 70th birthday cake because my dad put a short essay in it he wrote when he was still a teenager and he had been in awe of him ever since.

          I felt so bad about what happened with him. He spent several years wondering what he could have possibly done to make the man he idolized hate him so much.

          • My condolences. I have some people in the family who are furious with my MIL, and I keep having to remind them that it’s the disease. I’m probably the most patient with her, but even I struggle to be with her for any length of time without getting angry, even with the knowledge that it’s not her.

            My step-father is in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s, and he’s been on medication from the start, which has been a mixed blessing. He’s hung on for longer than usual, but just stays on this side of palliative/hospice. It’s sad because he’s such a drain on my mother. He’s much easier to deal with than my un-diagnosed (and refusing to see any doctors) MIL, but my mom says the hardest thing about my step-father is that he’s not the man she married, and it’s like living with a complete stranger. It’s eerily similar to what my wife says about her mother: she says her mom died years ago, and the woman in her body is a stranger.

            Personally, after these experiences, I have warned my entire family, and have an agreement with my wife, that if I start to decline in this way, before it gets that bad we’re going to take a visit to Switzerland and I’m going to get in a Sarco Pod. No shade on people who don’t want to do this, but I neither want to experience it, nor inflict my symptoms on my loved ones.

            • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              I’m sorry to hear about the issues with the elders in your family. The one positive thing that came out if it is that I have vowed to not die angry like he did if at all possible and it has made me a much less angry person.

    • GlitchyDigiBun@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Or their public defendant finally gets a word in to say every extra tweet is another nail in their legal coffin. Not that they’d ever listen.

  • DABDA@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    In what form do they hope to collect their $5M? Do they want a receipt declaring it was deposited into their magic secret account or does like a silver coin cover the whole debt or whatever?

    I trust that this packing slip with some upper-case song lyrics written at a 22° angle in green ink will settle our obligations of prima nocta.
    –Sincerely, THE GOVERNMENT

    • IndiBrony@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I still don’t understand.

      I get “I got a ticket whilst driving”, I also get “artificial person” is something to do with the fact they believe that recording your details creates a form of slavery or something stupid like that.

      • Guadin@k.fe.derate.me
        4 months ago

        As far as I understand it, the screenshot is from a “sovereign citizen” which got a ticket for something. He is very smart because he filed a “countersuit” to the government to show he is subject to their laws and a citizen of the United States. If they do not do that within 15 days, my guy gets 5 million. He also wants a restraining order for all of the US police, so they can’t get near him.

        That’s what I could make out with my limited knowledge about sovereign citizens and all that.

      • bisby@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        A ticket while “traveling”. Driving is something you need a license for, but they weren’t doing that because magic words. Most of this is them justifying that they weren’t driving because there is a difference between capitalized words and not, so they don’t need a license to travel, but they got a ticket for it anyway, so they want justice.

        And then yes, they think you can just declare a $5 million countersuit and win by default, as part of the “I’m so smart, you can’t counter my flawless logic” delusion

  • BlueSquid0741@lemmy.sdf.org
    4 months ago

    Maybe they think one day they’ll get a judge or magistrate that is intrigued by the sovcit stuff and just goes “hell yeah brother!”

    • Wwwbdd@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I have to imagine there are times they come across a bill collector or someone either doesn’t know their job or just doesn’t give a shit and lets them off the hook.

      You’re working at Comcast in the collections department, you’re having a shitty day and an envelope full of legal looking papers comes across your desk saying to void a $300 bill? Fuck it, push the ‘void’ button and on to the next one, who cares.

  • frazw@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Dear sovcit, we, the government, do not consent to being “served” and invite you to prove that we are an artificial government in 15 days under U.S. 199. Article 4 section N part 9 paragraph 2333. Are we free to go?

  • Crack0n7uesday@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    There’s a law that if you sue the government and win, they don’t have to pay you. Good luck getting your millions, lol.