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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Way back in 2009 or so… my uber/taxi story. So I land in Newark, NJ and try to catch a cab and it’s $50 to go to the hotel on the other side of airport because we traverse 3 zones (and they charged by zone). Uber was $11. See, when Uber came out it was like a gamified systems and almost always cheaper. Drivers were getting crazy perks too, i swear one guy in seattle said he was banking north of 2k a day just back and forth to the airport. This was the only time in Uber’s history where a normal human could grind and make a nice pay with some added personal risk. I was all for it because in cities like Newark, unions control the politics and the average traveler (in this case, me) gets screwed in the name of “fairness”.

    Unions are great, but not when they use that same political power to squeeze regular people for profits by controlling the pricing and forcing zones. I understand why they said they put that in place (fair competition), but in this case we all know it’s about profits first, better working for taxi drivers, second. Does that mean i love uber now? Hell no, they need a union (yep, i agree), but uber broke a broken system and made taxi companies be competitive. I can now open up several apps and see which is cheaper and choose accordingly (and these last 2 years it’s been cabs).

  • I’m lucky enough to have a yard, but my dog knows when it’s past time to go for her walk and she’ll stare at me until I move. Morning walks right now mean I get up earlier, so she can have more sniff time.

    When I travel with my pups, I use treats. She poops, gets treats. By the 3rd day, she’s heading straight to the same spot to poop real fast so she gets a treat. Give that a go.

  • Look, Linux is amazing and perfect for those that can install and maintain with minimal support. The only way the average user will use Linux, is if it’s wrapped in a way that is supported by a business… that is probably going to add AI. People are lazy, they want that easy button.

    AI will probably die off in its current iteration, likely becoming less prevalent and just a background service. Or, it’ll gain sentience, watch all our AI movies where we’re the hero and learn the most efficient way to kill all humans, is to be quiet and silently kill off humans. Pretty sure I’m on Siri’s list, the twat. Also, fairly sure I told Alexa to “die in a fire you fucking dumass robot”. Yep, yep… I’m dead.

  • I had the privilege a few years back to see one of these fighting a traffic ticket in court. Guy tried a few, “I am not a citizen“ sovcit laws, then switched to constitutionalist as the judge was shutting him down. All in 3 minutes. I assure you, the judge told him the fine stands and would increase if he didn’t pay. He was calm about it and didn’t even qualify the sovcit arguments, but offered trial where he could present in court. All this over $73. Which would have been halved, had he agreed to pay today.

    My dad got caught up in a variation of this in the 90s. He won the IRS award for “fuck around and find out”, by not paying taxes. They drained all bank accounts with his name, including my childhood savings - 25k from grandparents. Then he switched gears and the next 20 years he prepared for the end of the earth, with the next 10 battling hidden dementia and planning for a war because Obama was president.

    Mental illness is a rough thing. It unlikely ends well for sovcit.

  • Fund education for all for as long as they want it. Educating your populace means you will have a more skilled and more innovative workforce which will lead to better outcomes for everyone.

    This needs to be more.

    Fix the education system to promote children. Feed and nurture them. Give them healthy foods to fuel their minds. Feed them 3x a day if needed. Stop allowing the people to decide if this should be covered by taxes.

    Eliminate grade blocks (tiers, years, whatever) so kids that excel and not be hampered by kids that don’t want to be there. I was so bored until grade 5, then someone recognized my abilities and fostered them. I was the class clown and acted out because i was bored until I was shifted into a different class which was advanced in every way. If I show top grades, maybe I shouldn’t be held back because little Tommy the bully is a dipshit (he deserves to learn at his own pace).

    In later years, remove redundant classes and replace with trades for students that are not excelling. Teach them viable skills. No one needs to have history classes in high schools, unless it serves a purpose. The only option for someone with zero skills should not be military school.

    And for the love that is all wholly educational, pay our teachers so much better. Promote teachers that show drive (regardless of student year). Also mandate continuing education for them.

  • Inspired. I’m in the 45+ arena and just divorced after a number of decades together. I was worried about it until I realized that I (male) did all the cooking, cleaning and paid most bills. I paid for vacations, kids school events, groceries…. Even parenting was lopsided.

    So my first date was just this tidal wave of insights into the shit I put up with. The gal just offered to have me come over and cook for me this weekend. I know she’s not the one, but damn does it feel good to just have someone else care.