When some but not all bullets end with a period in a PPT. Drives me nuts! Either have none ending with a period, or all need to have a period, but please don’t mix.
Oh fuck you.
Not because you suddenly made me aware of this, but because I catch myself doing this with slides sometimes and figured I was getting away with it!
What if one bullet is two sentences… Then should ask bullets end with a period?
The count of cars with single occupant on the highway. It’s crazy how inefficient our car transportation is.
Agree in general, the problem is it’s the only method those folks have to complete whatever their daily mission is.
So really, cars are great, they comfortably take you where you need to go, many miles away, pretty fast, relatively comfortably. But a robust public transit network is even better.
I was into Geocaching for a while and was always amazed at the things out in plain sight that people casually walked by and never noticed every day
Very true! And once you’ve done it for a while, you start to notice other cachers by the way they are awkwardly standing in unusual places trying to look inconspicuous.
Birds. Even in urban areas you wouldn’t believe how many birds there are. Not just pigeons and sparrows, but hawks and falcons will readily live in many urban areas too. Herons and egrets are particularly adaptable to urban areas and easy to find along rivers and ponds. In the spring and fall warblers will pass through as well, and I even see them on busy urban streets sometimes if there’s a few bushes or trees along the path. I’ve even had a few lucky owl sightings while walking in the suburbs at night.
Delightfully since I live in the southwest and grew up on the east coast, where they’re incredibly shy of people, we also have tons of bold urban ravens. In the late spring and early summer sometimes I see big flocks (recently independent juveniles?) just soaring and diving for the fun of it.
Hell yeah, birds. When you get to know the songs of birds it opens up a deeper way of hearing too. And you get a lot better at spotting them. Birds are amazing.
What’s on random screens in the background of movies / TV shows. People hate watching stuff with me because I’m always pausing it to look at that stuff.
Fucking time zones and daylight saving/summertime. I live in a place that doesn’t change my clocks twice a year, but constantly deal with people that do. The number of times I have people say EST when they mean EDT is too damn high. Worse when they say MST, cause then I have to ask “are you in Arizona?” to which they look at me confused and say no. Then I about blow a gasket cause “then you’re not in MST!” If you’re going to live in a place that always changes your clocks, get your own terminology right dammit.
I never remember whether we’re currently in daylight savings or not since it’s so stupid. I just started saying ‘eastern time’ instead of the abbreviation to avoid getting it wrong
Fall back, spring ahead is how i was taught to remember.
But now that my phone updates time automatically i occasionally notice a couple clocks arent correct and dont know how long they have been wrong for lol
I didn’t even know there’s another name for timezones in daylight savings time. Good to know I guess
License plates.
I memorised most of my friends’ and coworkers’ plates, and sometimes recognise plates of random people if I see them often enough.
I do this too! Love seeing plates from other countries all over Europe and trying to guess what info they have. Places like France and Switzerland you can tell the area the person is from, UK plates you can tell the age of the car to within six months etc etc
Camerawork in film and tv. I have been volunteering doing camerawork for a small broadcast tv station, so whenever I watch stuff I’m always teeing to see how all of the shots are taken, and also the color grading and stuff like that.
Looking for things on the ground or the side of the road. Some notable items I have found:
- Unmarked envelope with ~$400 in it.
- Change purse filled with random international coins
- Pair of knipex channel lock pliers that have dog bite marks on the handles
- Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket i727
- Ticket for a festival which I then attended
- Many sunglasses
- Many cool rocks and sticks
I take the time to find the original owner whenever I find something but it’s pretty rare. These are only the things that I have kept because the original owner couldn’t be found.
Original owner of the envelope probably can’t be found because you jacked the money he left for his drug guy! Man’s at the bottom of a river!
They need to upgrade their dead drop locations then. 🤣
You know when people are in a group and they are all chattering all joyously and stuff and you see a person of the group trying to say something and raise a bit their voice and then they recoil and then don’t say anything?
Or when you are walking around in a Group and everyone is talking about stuff and one of them just sort of swaddles a bit out and little by little tries as if running away from the group?
Yeah I witnessed you
I notice lefties. Im right-handed and when I was little and much dumber I wanted to be left-handed. So I did a bunch of weird shit to force it. Stuff like wrapping my right hand up for whole day, trying reverse controls for video games, wearing my watch on my right hand, etc. Some stuff did take, like the watch on my right hand, which ironically made my right hand more dominant. Being a lefty is the club that I was never able to join but think about subconsciously all the time I guess.
It’s funny you reversed your game controls since, as a lefty, I have adapted to default controls pretty easily. Never even crossed my mind to change them. Definitely lateral thinking on your part.
The types of shoes a person is wearing, and if they’re polished or not. Forest Gump’s mamma was right, you can tell a lot about someone by their shoes.
Whether or not people say “yes,” or “no” when responding to others or if they say “yeah,” or “nah”. And whether or not they say please or thank you.
I have a friend who does not say please, thank you, or your welcome. It bothers me so much.
Any movie that is acting out one of my hobbys. I always appreciate it if the writers/producers actually took the time to research it. Stuff like:
-boardgame setups
-videogame gameplay
-musical instruments/singing being performed
I also always look in a carscene wether they are actually driving or if it’s a video/screen playing Basically I look a lot for clues behind the scenes with movies instead of enjoying the movie as is.
The total stairs a staircase has. I cannot walk up or down a staircase without counting, and it makes me satisfied when the number ends in an even number.
Be careful of the bottom-step error!