I’d like actual examples instead of “I work faster”, something like “I can move straight to the middle of the file with 7mv” or “I can keep 4 different text snippets in memory and paste each with a number+pt, like 2pt”, things that you actually use somewhat frequently instead of what you can do, but probably only did once.
Is there any good interactive VIM/Helix tutorial/practice tool? I imagine something like hotkey trainers for Starcraft, or keyboard typing trainers. It gives you a task, and measures time how fast it takes you to do it, giving you hints about best keybindings in the process. I did find https://www.openvim.com/ , which is great to learn what options there are, but I’m missing the trainer part of it giving you tasks and scoring you on them, that you can drill in to learn it quicker.
Also, it’s missing macros and some of the more advanced stuff, which would also be great if included.
Vimgolf is really cool, thanks for sharing