The problem is not having enough young people to balance out the eventually aging of the GenX and Millennial generations. If things get too top heavy on the elderly side, the entire house of cards that is consumer and service driven capitalism tends to start toppling over. Immigration has traditionally helped in this regard by providing younger labor and tax base when native populations fail to keep up.
That wouldn’t solve any issues, it would just replace to population
The problem is not having enough young people to balance out the eventually aging of the GenX and Millennial generations. If things get too top heavy on the elderly side, the entire house of cards that is consumer and service driven capitalism tends to start toppling over. Immigration has traditionally helped in this regard by providing younger labor and tax base when native populations fail to keep up.
Hmm, yes; replace a population of immigrants with checks notes another population of immigrants. Yes indeed that is somehow a problem.
Especially in the US this ‘worry’ is ridiculous and a dogwhistle.
the one that built the country has every reason to govern who gets to live with them and who doesn’t
What issues are you having in mind?