Which ever government has financing. It wouldn’t be free. The gov would collect interest and make money just like any private developer. Considering this is basically how Freddie Mac already operates with Single Family Homes it’s not a stretch to extend this gov financing to big multifamily projects owned by tenants.
If private capital won’t develop homes, the government should fund the housing project of residents that want to live there.
The Work From Home debate plays a huge role in Real Estate right now :).
Article text posted in OP.
Haha, this is going to be hilarious. AWS is going to crash and burn so hard. It just may trigger an exodus from could computing.
Other than time to market what real advantages does it give companies? Most companies are not Silicon Valley start ups. Been hearing more and more about companies moving things back in house and a major outage will drive that trend even more.
There’s a mandatory arbitration clause in almost every lease. Disney trying to use it to escape clear legal liability is a harbinger for how everyone will use this including landlords.
The title was a joke.
You should get banned for that. This isn’t Reddit, go back if you want a hug box.
This is probably the funniest
My point is your past suffering isn’t proof of anything. And what society considers enough shouldn’t be based on foolish nostalgia.
I ask again, were the child labor laws that protected you wasteful. Because having children work instead of going to school certainly “worked” before.
Is Arizona a bad place to live. I keep hearing this.
Nah, 900 square ft is the size of a large apartment. That’s a bit cramped even for a couple. Just because you did it doesn’t mean it was good. You’re great grandparents worked in mines and didn’t go to school. Does that mean the child labor laws that protected you are superfluous?
I’m not a bot though.
Yeah, being an incel isn’t an ideology. It’s a material condition.