So I was a daily smoker and then I would take a rip, and immediately throw up. It would subside after a few hours and I was good for the rest of the day, but I thought it was weird so I stopped smoking for a couple of months, and figured I’d be OK smoking again this weekend. I took 2 hits, and immediately needed to throw up. They weren’tmonster hits nor did I get enough to even make me cough, but as soon as I took the second hit, I had to expell everything. Can someone please give me clarification on what is possibly going on?

    19 hours ago

    While CHS is the likely culprit, it could also be an allergy that’s built up over time. Most people don’t realize it’s possible to be allergic to cannabis, but it is indeed. Source: I’m allergic to cannabis.

    If so, look into desensitization methods. Not sure if they work with an acquired allergy or not though.

      17 hours ago

      Just commenting to second the allergy, even tho it may not be the issue here. I always had awful reactions over the ~15 years I tried it off and on. Terrible. Not like CHS at all. You’re right, allergy (or something) is a thing. But probably not what OP has (not a doctor).

      • Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s not CHS. From what I’ve read, CHS is similar to overdosing, and is mostly associated with habitual users. The very first time I got stoned, decades ago, I spent the entire night in my car parked outside of a friend’s house trying to not be violently ill. Since then, after legalization, I’ve gotten mildly stoned on edibles a couple of times to no ill effect, but the third time the nausea was back.

        I’ve found no reference about it online. I’ve asked about it, online. I don’t know of it’s allergies in my case; if I mini-dose - amounts small enough that I can’t notice any effect, but more than homeopathic doses - I’m fine. But as soon as I take enough to geta even a mild high, bang: nausea.

        It’s really frustrating, because I suffer from chronic lower back pain (thanks, Army!) and I’d even gotten a prescription (before it was recreationally legal in my state) in an attempt to achieve the pain relief associated with cannabis.

        I’ve now chalked it up to a paradoxical effect. I suspect the anti-nause mechanism in THC is behaving differently in my biome and instead triggers nausea. Maybe that can be classified as an allergy? Although I expect if it were a traditional allergy, any amount would trigger nausea. And a little cannabis doesn’t make me a little sick; it’s either all or nothing.

        My other theory is that it’s zero-G sickness. When I get high, I get a head-spinning effect, and that sort of thing over a long term induces nausea in me.

        I don’t know what the fuck it is, but it’s gods-damned annoying.

  • mods are fascists
    16 hours ago

    Coughing and/or smoking can dry out your uvula and make you heave. Happens to me sometimes when I smoke right after eating too much.

    20 hours ago

    What about edibles or drops? You could differentiate if it’s because of the smoking or weed in general.

    • EABOD25@lemm.eeOP
      20 hours ago

      That’s a good idea. Might help some other people, but I bought a J to use through the weekend while the wife is out. Pretty sure it’s CHS and karma haha

    • EABOD25@lemm.eeOP
      21 hours ago

      Dammit. That’s not cool. The wife is out of town for the weekend, so I figured I could get lit. That sucks