representing World of Warcraft’s expansions
adds a $90 pay to win mount that gives you half the functionality of an entire major city.
Blizzard milking the whales while delivering a reskin of a mount? Very on brand and representative.
Was saying $90 USD. Did they also do individual gatcha pricing or just regonal?
This would be a good time to remember that horse armor that caused a shit storm for fishing like 5$ or something. Good times.
Looks like we have upgraded to macrotransactions!
AFAIK this is different from the original auction house mount. That one had a auctioneer and a vendor who could repair things. This one comes with an auctioneer and a “mailbox” NPC.
For some people whose purpose in playing WoW is to make money trading, this makes it marginally easier. Instead of having to park your mount next to a mailbox, you can both post your auctions and collect your money on one mount. But, since most people doing auction stuff also need access to a bank, it doesn’t mean they can easily just abandon the city and live out in the country.
Many of the people who might consider this mount are already playing for free because they make enough money in-game to buy a token every month.
Also, it’s $132 if you’re Canadian, otherwise it’s 90 USD.
who the fuck is still playing this microsoft/activision/blizzard game in 2024?
Did Chris Roberts get a job there?
If it was Chris Roberts, it’d just be a JPEG of a dinosaur and a promise that the mount is in the pipeline for early pre-production to be added to the next major quarterly alpha release once it’s ready.
Also it’d be $499.
Who’s Chris Robert?
If we allow this to continue, there will be nothing else.
Only legislation will fix this.
Rivals of Aether 2 announced there will be no paid DLC because it will be all free. Legislation is needed but there are still, few, good devs out there thankfully.
“Something for everyone.” = “I sure hope everyone buys this shit!”