Is it… lifting them 8’ off the ground that makes it impossibly expensive? Or maybe… the people in that area do not like shade?
How complicated are the electronics to ensure that the voltage dip from one panel with a table sized shadow doesn’t drag down the whole array?
i’d be more worried about heat, dispersing heat with literally zero airflow is going to be rough.
Can’t they just make it a roof?
Yeah feels already hot from just looking at it
And put some goddamn plants under it.
They are a roof tile company. This is just a thick anti slip glass layer on top of solar.
Hope the predicted capability is realistic. As previously we’ve seen comparable projects be less so:
oh good, yet another solar solution where you put solar panels underground, instead of like, building a pavilion and putting the solar panels on the top of it, where they would make more fucking power.
It’s not that bad. Part of the appeal is having a black glass panel patio. A 30 year payback is ok, if it bails you out of a few power outages. Ok, its solar for rich people, but its still some clean energy.
does anyone know where I can get strong opinions about solar rods?
When are they going to learn that solar roads are never going to be practical?
PV Magazine is more or less an outlet for press releases by companies trying to innovate (often in air quotes) with photovoltaics. I’m honestly not even sure why it’s allowed here; it’s completely uncritical. May as well cite a press release on the manufacturer’s website at that point instead of laundering it through a magazine.
never use solar panels for side walks its a stupid idea. and there is a reason why solar panels are placed at angle and not flat on the ground.
For fuck sake!
Put solar on roofs, not where people walk/drive!
Can we please stop wasting resources on this shit?
Oohh, solar roadways, part 4621559
Trailer: they suck, don’t work, and are made by people who have no idea what the fuck they’re doing
Solar freakin roadways
Not freakin again.
In fairness, road traffic is orders of magnitude more destructive than foot traffic.
in fairness to being fair, there have been multiple attempts, and every single time the results are extremely clear. Building an elevated solar shade using solar panels to both generate power, and cool down the walking/biking path. Is both more effective, and more practical.
Right, but the last attempt was falling apart within months of instillation with very light foot tragic and weather so…
Solar Roadways 2.0?
Nope, still solar roadways 1.0 again, they just hope that everyone forgot how crappy they are