I liked the concept but man those nerds literally couldn’t think one step ahead
So many movies would only be a few minutes long if the characters were portrayed as being intelligent. Especially horror movies.
Turns out only sending mega nerds into a hostile environment might not be the most well thought out system.
The only qualified astronaut is that one SEAL+Doctor+Astronaut+Model.
Wouldn’t physically being on said planet be deadly? It must have an absurdly high gravity if there’s so much time dilation
That or the planet must be travelling at significant fractions of lightspeed, which makes landing there a challenge of its own
The planet’s gravity is not what is causing the time dilation, but rather the gravity of the supermassive black hole that it was orbiting. The black hole is somehow spinning extremely rapidly, causing frame dragging, which creates a particular stable orbit very close to the event horizon.
Apparently the energy requirements of the orbit would preclude ever reaching the planet except by slingshot manoeuvres around intermediate size black holes or neutron stars.