A temple in Tamil Nadu reportedly denied a devotee’s request to return his iPhone which he accidently dropped into the ‘hundi’ (donation box or hundial), asserting that it has now become temple property.
The devotee, identified as Dinesh, realised that his iPhone inadvertently slipped into the ‘hundi’ while he was making the donation at Arulmigu Kandaswamy temple in Thiruporur near Chennai.
He then approached temple officials and pleaded for the return of his phone. However, his request was met with a polite refusal.
Interestingly, the temple administration permitted Dinesh to retrieve the data from his Apple device, but declined to return the phone itself. Dinesh, however, stood firm, insisting on the phone’s return.
When the matter reached Karnataka minister PK Sekar Babu, he stated that any item deposited in the donation box of a temple, regardless of whether it was intentional or accidental, becomes part of the deity’s account.
So, say you own something illegal, and you put it in the donation box. Can the temple be punished for possessing such items? The ownership is fully the temple’s once it ends up in the donation box, no?
I have a feeling the person who originally stole it would be receiving the brunt of the punishment with the temple just assisting the local police to ensure nothing happens to them… unless it’s one of the countries where the police are corrupt and will attack regardless of situation.
You haven’t watched one indian movie, I bet. 😂
Whats the trope?
You’re right that I’ve never seen an Indian movie, as far as I’m aware. I’m sure they have some good ones, but I’ve never been interested in them. Hell, I’m not even interested in live action anymore, so I have even less interest in them now.
Dispose of murder weapon in donation box, implicate god in murder, god is arrested and jailed for 8-15 years
I have such a hard time sympathizing with religious cults.
Does that mean we can now phone a god? They probably won’t reply as they’ll be too busy shitposting on social media, but still…
The funny part is an iPhone is essentially a brick if it’s activated to someone else’s account. Wouldn’t be possible for the church to even use it without the owners cooperation, which I would assume they didn’t get.
Such a “Not The Onion” headline. Article is more hilarious too, although being completely real.
Donate some fire to the deity.