You will need a bit of patience with this one 😇
Near impossible on my tiny phone haha
The hit boxes appear to be huge. I got it just by turning and shooting from the starting position.
Fun, but a relatively simple script could likely be developed to solve these.
I love it, but can’t get the keyboard to display on mobile
Works in Safari
The awkward controls make it unfair.
… But then, IDKFA works
An AI could totally cheat this.
An AI would play this better than any human.
That was surprisingly difficult.
This is fucking amazing
Why does it have to be on a hard level with just a pistol, tho? lol I turned the first corner and was obliterated by imp fireballs before I knew what map I was on.
I beat it by kiting some of the shotgunners to come past the imps. 3 Easy kills.
Idk why you say i would need patience. I cleared it under 5 seconds. Maybe i had good RNG.
RNG in doom, that’s illegal :D
I tried going straight, but after a while I noticed there’s actually an invisible pinky over there.
Also is the sound too high, or is it just me not rememberering right?
The sounds are completely different and I’m not sure where they’re sourced from.
Took me 2 tries, advanced a bit, retreated and waited for the dudes to walk into my line of pistol fire
This is the way. You only need 3 kills, so there’s no need to deal with the caged grunts in any way whatsoever.
what a chimera 😰
Well I think I’m a robot. Couldn’t do the things that it’s asking me to do. So I guess I’m a robot. Beeboo beeboo boop beeboo beeboo bee boop.