Sounds like the start of an amazing DnD campaign
Time to add rat-taurs. I let you decide about the order of the halves
What about horse-taurs? A horse on the front of a horse.
Two horse hinds blindly bucking in all directions
A raccoon/crow hybrid fighting God over half a Bagel is pretty much the plot of Shin Megami Tensei
Yeah only thing missing is apocalypse and christianity references.
Drive them from my garbage bin? Heavens no! I’m BEFRIENDING that RacCrow with da GUD gorbage! I’ll give them fresh fruit, not quite expired groceries from my pantry, and ✨ S H I N Y T H I N G S ✨
I get the feeling a raccoon/crow would be a relatively easy creature to befriend, and also a awesome friend. Once again reminded of the ski lift operator I worked with once that could get a crow to land on his shoulder.
“Rodents of unusual size? Quite frankly, I don’t think they exist.”
gets carried away and is never seen again
The worst kind of griffin is Meg, actually.
I feel like it would be one of those high AC/low damage roll fights
I would totally be okay with all of these.
Crowracoon is my spirit animal - smart and crafty af, but will dig through garbage. 🥰
I think they’re basically describing bald eagles.
Btw, do they poop before takeoff or in-flight?
The worst griffin is probably Meg