These people both need to sit down and have some empathy for each other.
They could be growing stronger together through their struggles rather than making it some competition about who is worse off. (Which, in this case, the guy has started by not empathizing at all)
My mental health struggles in no way invalidate someone else’s struggles.
I hate this kind of divisive bs.
He’s bleeding out of his vagina that often? He should see a doctor.
Also, this comic is sociopathic. You could say this in any situation to put anyone down. Are you feeling sick? I’m ALWAYS sick. Are you feeling sad? Well, I’m ALWAYS sad. Oh, you’re painfully passing an egg, having cramps, and bleeding? Yeah, I ALWAYS eat Taco Bell.
Passing an egg, though…
That’s the tapeworm
men: suffering long and silently from generations of stifling social expectations and exploitation
this man: how can I make this into a competition as well?
I’m a little unclear on what point the author is trying to make but perhaps that’s because I’m not familiar with this comic.
Edit: tbh I think I agree with the sentiment that this is just a shit comic. If there’s any worthwhile message it’s very poorly expressed.
People taking this stupid comic way too seriously in these comments
I mean…
At some point you feel so shit that you stop caring about others
Or that’s just me and I already know I’m emotionally fucked
Depression 🌠
Some men are continuously menstruating?
Sure, why not? Would explain why the guy’s being such a bitch.
this sub is just as unfunny as /r/comics and nearly as misogynist
This might be better than the bear thing to explain to women how dangerous men are.
Umm, what?
The bear thing is women speaking up about how dangerous men are. As in, they already know…
Man has crippling depression that he can’t treat like many men
You: “oh my gaaaawd he’s so dangerous all men are this!”
then many men have crippling depression.