You wouldn’t typecast a car.
What about typecasting to a car?
In bigger projects, you tend to miss type safety really bad, really fast. Rust has it built in, Python can have it bolted on. That’s simply one of the many aspects to consider when choosing your programming language.
But don’t worry about it too much. If one thing’s for sure, it’s that you will regret that choice in any case.
Yeah I usually love Python but right now I’m working on a paid project where I need to deal with tasks that are critical to mostly work on first try. Now, if it would be a different matter if my code was just completely idiotic and still worked but Python doesn’t error even when there is obvious typo that any statically compiled language could’ve picked up on a breeze at compile time.
I am scared to even implement a better logging system in my program because sometimes I forget to sanitize the arguments and my program fucking crashes at runtime because I added a new fucking logging statement.
I so fucking wish I had static type checking right now. The libraries I am using doesn’t have types (via annotations) so unless I spend days fixing their shit, I will have to continue with these shitty runtime crashes for the shittiest small mistakes. I also can’t trust these annotations because even if they are “wrong” their code coul perfectly work fine and they could even ship the wrong types. I would have the burden of dealing with their shitty annotations if that happens.
It’s like learning Perl back in the day, then needing to learn use strict;
Perl is a write-only language.
I used to love it, it could look a lot like c, or you could do crap like
Admittedly, they’re trying to obfuscate it, but even unpacking it a bit, it looks alien.
Or you can get a different kind of weird.
Yes! That was the other thing I wanted to include, but I couldn’t remember the name or search for it, so I wrote it off as a fever dream!
You don’t even need to cast in Python, a reference is a reference.
If it’s loud, moving, can chase you and honks at you, then it’s
an obnoxious goosea car
You know, I always wondered what the original image looked like, and even trusty Know Your Meme doesn’t show it. It looked like this:
a compile-time error is highly preferable to a run-time error
And that’s why I don’t use Python for anything more than simple scripts
Look at mister “Sometimes I write programs that have more than a single niche function” over here
This is a post about growing disappointment with Python
Perl when I iterate over an object and treat the result as a hash reference: “fine, whatever. Fuck you, tho”
Just wait until you come across an XS library that uses a scalar reference for its objects (like LibXML).
Yeah this was a good one to wake up to.
as long as you can shift it
Python doesn’t have casts and is strongly typed.
It works and is a pile of jank - Python
It doesn’t work and is a pile of jank - C++
You violated gods laws with how bad your code is and it still runs (right through the wall) - C
For our American friends: the Opel Corsa is a car.
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