Could be one specific task or just in general.
Honestly this makes them worse
Have you tried a different drug?
I’m just referring to alcohol, so no. But I will say once you hit the age where alcohol makes you feel worse it makes all tasks worse. I cannot imagine ridding yourself the joy of small tasks being enjoyable though
Oh, alcohol is bad for you.
Go slowly. Small tasks like washing the dishes can be enjoyable when done well
I used to struggle with mundane tasks, mostly on account of the lack of mental stimulation, until I discovered podcasts. This problem is no more for me, I can do dishes and fold laundry until the end of time now
Podcasts have been great. Sometime I go with a TV series episode on the phone on the side. If you really want to motivate yourself for a task then set a rule that you’re not allowed to play an episode except for when you’re doing that task. Now if you want to hear the next podcast episode, you’ll have to do the dishes or ironing.
I occasionally watch some YouTube videos, but I favour podcasts as they are optimized for non-visual consumption - it’s bothersome to watch the screen while doing something that requires attention from your eyes.
Audiobooks. Sometimes my want to continue with a book has me purposefully doing some boring tasks.
When I’m doing exams I like to separate all the pencilwork with outlines for each question, but I like to do a different style every time. sometimes I tile them, sometimes I make weird patterns, and it is a bit of fun.
Thanks, crossposted to !
tablet and streaming but does not work with loud things like vacumming.
Figuring out how to automate them, when possible. Coding / scripting / debugging is more fun than tedious manual tasks, IMO.
from kitchen.utils import Dishwasher from tablesettings.dinner import dishes dishwasher = Dishwasher() dishwasher.load(dishes) dishwasher.start()
Can someone help me debug this? My dishes haven’t been done in a week because it doesn’t work.
Resolve moral conflicts to unlock higher dopamine levels across the board