LoL! RICH people are ALLOWED to MURDER Working Class People you STUPID WOKE DEI SOCIALIST!
And the 2A is to allow the working class to take out their frustrations on other working class members and commit more harshly punished crimes to allow for longer sentences in the slave factories.
Bloody COMMUNISTS with their expectations that rich and poor are treated the same!
Remember denying health care for profit is a noble cause that is should be celebrated in our capitalistic hellhole.
Not just arrested. Luigi’s been mostly in solitary confinement and straight jackets this whole time.
They’ve gotta make him insane before allowing him to appear in public
I hope his lawyers have a lot of coffee for him. I’d be out of it, i know that.
The drug I’ve paid $25/15 pills for the past couple months suddenly jumped up to $140 this week. I tried giving CVS a GoodRX coupon to knock it down to $75 and they told me they no longer accept them.
It’s an important drug to me, but luckily not vital to my survival. Still, fuck this healthcare system.
They dont accept goodrx? apparently you can call them if needed. I’ve never used it myself though.
According to a thread I found on the bad place, individual pharmacists can make the decision to reject coupons for prescription drugs. This was per an account that claimed to be a GoodRx rep
mario theme
The amount of warnings and bans I got from reddit so far for saying shit like that. Good thing I’m not there now.
The amount of shit i took on reddit and thought it was normal… i‘m sober for around two years now and it feels very good. Abusive relationships are an insane thing. We dont understand when it happens, especially when we are born into it.
I‘m kinda sad for all the non milennials who didnt grow up with „the matrix“. That movie aged like fine milk.
Even though I made a new account… two new accounts. One of them had a three day ban before I deleted it. I decided to make another one (using a temp email of course) just for porn and some niche interests of mine. With my second one that only has a warning I will not repeat how netenyahu and Elon deserve to be arrested and executed for their crimes.
And apparently simply calling for the imprisonment of Elong’s fucking infant squad for very obvious crimes is apparently a call for violence! Well then I guess wanting armed robbers to be jailed is also glorification of violence!
Not just men’s. It’s unisex! E for Everyone!
“well, you see, it’s a free market. They can always just choose to pay $1,000,000 for this inhaler, nothing’s stopping them” /s
“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.”
- Anatole France
I should start making inhalers!
Yes, you’re certainly free to do so, you’ll only need to wait until our parent runs out (whoops, we made a meaningless adjustment to the formula and got the patent extended), spend huge buckets of money getting your production chain up to the spec of the regulatory agency that we captured, get contracts with the pharmacy benefit managers (whoops, we gave them totally cool and legal kickbacks), and then when you start making money, we’ll just drop our price until we bankrupt you, buy up the scraps, and make sure nobody else can recover anything from the ashes.
The laws are written and enforced for the benefit of the rich. Not yours.
The system is working as designed.
It’s not designed to help you, but it’s working as it was designed to work.
I hope those parents find justice. With their son gone there’s no telling what might happen. I hope the ceo chokes on his toast.
I know what you mean, but comments like yours always make me feel sad. Like, what is justice in this context? A just world would be one in which their son is still alive. Justice died with him.
My own experience of litigating an injustice sticks with me. No amount of compensation can ever undo a wrong that should’ve never been allowed to happen.
Justice means whatever the parents see it as I guess.
Seems like terrorism to me…
Culls for profit are actually cool and encouraged.
A direct consequence of Trump’s rolling back Biden policies?
Learn to crop.
Why, you can’t read it?
So you’re saying posting angry guillotine threats didn’t actually fix our healthcare system? Was it just armchair revolutionaries impotently blowing off steam and acting badass? Wow, that’s a head scratcher.