Power company recently outsourced their payment system and now have to pay a fuckin’ fee to pay my goddamned bill. The only way to avoid that is autopay.
Further infuriating is I have to re-add my bank info to yet another third party system.
Fuck the modern world, man.
Use Bill Pay from your bank/credit union to mail them a check (without even paying postage yourself)
I do exactly this. My bank will try to use ACH or a one time debit card automatically, but inevitably ends up sending a check each month. What’s better is if I use the bill the water company sends and mail it back with a check there is a fee, but they don’t charge it when my bank sends a check.
They’re not trying to fuck over the banks. They have better lawyers.
That’s the way to go! I pay all my bills through the bank. All they need is your services account number and a mailing address. It’s much nicer when you can pay all your bills in one place instead of having to deal a bunch of different payment apps/websites.
Exactly. I control when and how the money goes out. This way I don’t have to hope that a) the payee doesn’t make mistakes and take out more than once or more than the scheduled amount and b) that the payee isn’t caught in a data breach with my banking details.
At the end of the day, I just take a little time to make sure all the bills are scheduled for the right amounts over the coming few weeks.
Yeah, I’ve been meaning to look into that. Especially so I can start unlinking my bank details from sites that will eventually expose them in a breach.
That’s step one. Step two is to get enough solar and whole-house battery storage so you can cut the grid and give them $0.
Would be nice, but where I live less than a fifth of days in the year are sunny on average.
Bill pay through your bank. Fuck their payment processor.
When an old landlord pulled some bullshit on me, I paid a month’s rent with 31 paper checks, delivered once a day, direct from my bank.
That is some genuine malicious compliance. ❤️
Pay by mailing in paper checks to maximize their costs.
That maximizes my costs as well (plus hassle). I don’t even own a checkbook.
Your bank mails the checks for you for free, I haven’t owned a checkbook in a decade.
Harry needs checks to pay his “action bills”
If they’re going to cost me money being stupid, I’ll do it back to them.
Doing good work out there 👍
This is more than mildly infuriating.
Isn’t First Energy that company that got busted for bribes but then the local politicians/courts basically let them bribe their way out of trouble with $20 million???
Not sure if same but their scandal in Ohio put some GOP bigwigs in prison recently.
My landlord gave me the option of paying online. For an additional $10.00 fee.
edit =added the cost.
Further infuriating is I have to re-add my bank info to yet another third party system.
“We don’t NeEd STrONG coNSUmer PRoTEctiOn LAws bECauSe YOU Get to DECiDe WHO YOu Do bUsINesS wIth”
Edit: just to be clear, I’m not mocking OP.
It’s stuff like this that makes me amazed at how advanced Brazil is in some regards (or how backwards USA is). We can, from the comfort of a banking app (that can make instant money transfers to any other bank, free of charge), set up automatic payment of utilities like phone, electricity and water, no extra bank bullshit hidden charges applied.
Are there banks that don’t do this or charge? I just assumed these things were the absolute basics of banking and are free for everyone.
So did I, but then there’s OP’s post, which made me think this isn’t universal
Canyou mail a check?
Some banks will do autopay. The bank obtains the bill and mails a check.
So in my city, the water bill would charge a fee for paying online, the only way to avoid the fee was to write a check and they had no auto pay options at all.
I would just overpay and write a check for 6-months of service. I knew it was time to write a new check when my balance stopped being negative.
I guess what I’m saying is it would have been incredibly convenient and not at all infuriating to have a fee-less auto pay option.
Annoying AF in principle but at least it’s only 50 cents. My fucking rent payments charge a % fee, so I mail them a check every week and make them do the legwork
No, fuck even SLIGHTLY thinking it’s ok because it’s only 50 cents. Next month it’ll be 75cents, then a dollar… it ONLY goes up, do not normalize bullshit fees because ‘its only 50 cents’
In my country we have free ‘autopay’ on the banks end. You simply setup the details of the recurring transaction in your mobile app or on the website and it will automatically start paying.
Seems like you should say “fuck modern capitalism” instead.
The problem here is that your bill is based on usage so there’s no way to know exactly what your bill will be each month in order to set up an automatic bill pay.
My variable (usage-based) utility bills are sent as “e-bills” to my bank, so the bank’s bill pay system can pay them anyway. I can even set it up to pay in full up to some limit, so it doesn’t blindly pay if the bill is outrageous due to some mistake.
The power companies in my country use a monthly average of the yearly costs. You’ll always pay the same.
Where I live in the states, my power company offers an option to do the same thing. And every year, they adjust it based on overages/underages from the previous year.
Yep exactly. It works pretty nice here. Except for a power crisis we had a few years ago, where they had to change stuff of contracts around because the price went up by almost 300%
Until they realize the average wasent enough and hand you a massive bill at the end of the year.
My country has rules and regulations to prevent this. The averages are pretty accurate. Our government also requires electricity companies to offer an easy way for customers to see how much energy they have used and how close it is to the estimated average.
Anyways, we also have variable contracts where you pay monthly for the energy you have used depending on your use and the price of energy on the market. For this we can simply use payment mandates that are easy to setup between yourself, the bank and the company. Keep in mind our companies are not capitalistic overlords and don’t try to steal our money using this, so it’s pretty safe and easy.
My power company found a new and infuriating way to fuck with me. They send every e-bill with a required payment of $0 and then the regular balance but my bank auto-pay only reads it as $0 due today and ignores it.
So the bank says it’s the power company’s fault, the power company claims to have no control over it. Oh and they don’t send paper bills any more (although they send me a paper report every month shaming me for stressing the grid by charging my electric car) So you have to remember to go online and look up the bill and pay it on their awful $5 transaction bill pay instead.
Gotta love these legal monopolies sanctioned by our govt, right?
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I never let any company know my card details, I use privacy.com to make a fake card and pay them and then put it on hold so if they try auto charging me when I don’t want it, the card just gets denied.