February 14th is my birthday so of course I hate Valentine’s Day, I can’t hang out with my friends 'cause they’re hanging with their girlfriends, and if I’m in a relationship I have to go buy flowers and stuff the day of my birthday instead of just chilling and playing videogames which I honestly prefer. And don’t get me started on people assuming I like everything heart shaped and stuff…
If these two events were a separate thing I’d probably be OK with Valentine’s Day TBH.
What do you mean, it’s right there in the wild.
I refer to it as Singles Awareness Day. For the obvious reason.
Back in college it used to be “go to the Olive Garden alone and make the waitress uncomfortable” day.
Ah, the ol’ ‘Just how endless are the salad and bread https://www.mentalfloss.com/posts/are-olive-garden-breadsticks-really-unlimited?’ trick .
Too late, Corporate China reserved November 11 (because it’s all 1s) for that, and western corporations are starting to follow it too.
Awareness is why I’m drinking…
Made up CORPORATE holiday, just like Sweetest Day. We don’t even get it off!
You don’t need a day to tell that special someone how you feel, just do it!
I love you, @fartswithanaccent, ever since I saw you call out Sweetest Day
Aw shucks lol
I like Arbor Day, nobody can agree what day it is, but everyone likes the idea of picking a day in spring to plant a few trees
We’re supposed to "plant* them!? I’ve been cutting them down! I dry the wood, then carve a thoughtful memorial to trees…
My grandpa used to break up with my grandma to avoid having to buy gifts for her, then get back together after lol
You sure he was actually your grandpa? Cause if I go back nine months from your parent’s birthday…
The solstices would like a word.
Lunar New Year too.
Everyone should get a day off just to eat chocolate and fuck.
Happy Ishtar !
I mean happy Easter not the pagan orgy holiday represented by eggs and rabbits etc that we all participate in for some reason
I dont understand why people celebrate Valentines day in my country
There is already a national holiday for that, we dont need to steal from the USA
Well, they probably largely aren’t. American companies push our culture everywhere to encourage consumerist spending. Our media is systematically complicit with this. Aside from the obvious like commercials and product placement, our media also glorifies acquisition as both goal and reward. Not sure how to solve a problem? Buy a solution. Just “solved” a problem with consumption? Better reward yourself with a little treat (and some more consumption.)
Its not just commercial and product placements
People are copying the culture and language(using english words in the same sentence as romanian words)
Here in Brazil we have Dia dos Namorados (day of the romantic partners) which is the same as Valentine’s Day, but in June.
Don’t complain if you get a day off
It’s legit. I get depression and chest pain every Valentine’s Day.
I gave up on holidays when they started celebrating them when most convenient for capitalism. If you can’t celebrate Saint Paddy’s on a Tuesday go fuck yourselves, you don’t get a Saint Paddy’s.
They are all dumb made up holidays to make you spend money you don’t have to buy shit you don’t need for people you hate in the name of equally dumb and made up traditions that people keep following because they are sheep and don’t question anything. It was never about family or love or whatever argument the rich use these days to convince you to give them your hard earned money so they can buy the 10th yacht of the week.
Yeah but that’s also why nobody likes you so you’ve got to decide if this is really a hill worth dying on. Ya Scrooge
No, I just don’t like holidays that are being abused by companies to make a buck. That goes for Christmas as well.
The Summer Holidays don’t have that issue.
Easy as is.
Also, Valentine’s Day is not even a holiday, idiot 😂
What holiday isn’t abused by capitalism?