• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Doing a rough comparison: 500k KWh * 365 / 240 billion KWh= ChatGPT uses ~0.076% of the power that Crypto uses.

    Just to put Crypto into perspective.

    PS: The 500k is from the article (which states it’s per day), and the 240 billion for crypto is the first result I saw from Google, so take with a grain of salt.

    edit: I only just now saw which space (?) this is from. Please don’t bully me, I’m only here for the discussion (which so far has been civil).

  • Nonprofits can “own” for-profits.

    One of the saner reasons for this structure is that the non-profit owns the things the for-profit works on. If the for-profit goes under, all things are still owned by the non-profit, so some large tech company can’t swoop in and yoink anything available.

    This includes any and all data generated by the for-profit, which means your data is “safe”.

  • Here’s what I remember from Haskell (around 2018):

    I love the language, but hate the tooling.

    Used it for Uni (did a minor where I learned Haskell, recursion, parsing and regex - probably the most information dense part of school I’ve ever had. Half a year of minor also burned me out, so I never went for my masters; I’m OK with my Bachelors :D ), but never felt like picking it back up.

  • Oh, oh, oh! I got one not mentioned yet:


    Well, not the whole of the ELK stack (Elastic, Logstash and Kibana, though the full stack size is much larger nowadays), but their watchers. A watcher is a piece of JSON with some search specifications on when to trigger and send an alert to email/slack/teams/whatever. We’re basically abusing it as an alerting system, and generally it works… Fine… Presuming Filebeat actually ingests our logs (which is partially our fault, as there’s a fix, but it takes too damn long to drag 3 teams along to implement what needs implementing to fix that problem).

    Anyway, the problem is not the watcher itself, even though it is painful (heh) to learn the structure. It’s “Painless”, the JVM-based scripting language available in a watcher. It’s anything but. It is SO painful to write code, inside of a JSON object, making sure everything is exactly as it should be, having to use the DevTools in Kibana to try and trigger it, wait to see what enormous error comes out while praying it works. No IDE, no nothing. Ah, I lied. It does have Syntax Highlighting, for non-Painless code, IIRC…

    Oh, having to dig information out of the data you get is super unintuitive too.

    At least the UI/Kibana is good, and Elastic is pretty good too. Fuck Filebeat though. And Painless.

  • Here’s a decent impression of the times: http://i.imgur.com/mAUyo.jpg

    But back in the day (2003-ish) we still had amazing things to look forward to:

    • translucency (windows were not see-through)
    • realtime lighting and shadows (shadows were blobs below a model)
    • metallic reflection, and reflections in general (though working mirrors existed since at least Duke Nukem 3D, but those were a hack; copy the room and player model and flip them around to create the effect of a mirror)
    • further viewing distances (though this isn’t a positive, IMO)
    • physics (everything was static - models moved, but did not rotate (much))
    • inverse kinematics

    It’s crazy how far we’ve gotten, but view distances spoil everything (IMO), and graphical improvements have slowed down (not stalled, but definitely slowed down) with Ray Tracing becoming wide-spread being the last big graphical improvement (since 2018).