We live in a class system of 3 classes Poor, middle, and pedo.
There is no middle class!
Fred and Debbie are the last breeding middle class couple.
Donate now to save them from extinction! 🐼
Oops, too many donations, now they are pedo.
The phrase ‘middle class’ is a successful psyop campaign intended to cripple class solidarity; there is a working class, and an ownership class
Close. The Petite Bourgeoisie form a “middle class,” ie small business owners and the like. They are fundamentally different from the big Bourgeoisie that actually own and control industry.
Don’t we have poor and middle pedos? Maybe that’s just the social elevator at work then 🤷
I can’t quite put my finger on it, but this really feels like normalizing something that shouldn’t be normalized and I dislike it.
You’re so wealthy you’ve done everything else.
Maybe immortality is inside a child’s asshole. I’m just asking questions.
It might be as simple as doing what you know best.
Fratbro campus rapist becomes blow snorting horny middle manager becomes strip-club frequenting VP Yes-Man becomes CEO Horndog Chief Executive. Why would this person donate to charity or build out infrastructure or sponsor art or explore the world or the stars? They didn’t get rich doing any of that. They got rich wrangling under-aged girls for their bosses for the last 30 years.
Musk is a great example. The whole foundation of his trillion dollar empire was him throwing orgies at Stanford for his richer friends.
Hey, there’s nothing inherently wrong with frequenting strip clubs. Where else are you going to have a beer and watch a dude in playboy pyjamas wearing a dog leash get walked around the place by a 6’ tall stripper in stilettos?
That depends, is the stripper six feet with or without the heels?
Without. I’m a fairly tall dude myself, so looking upwards at a woman was a bit of a novel experience.
“you’ve gotta pay the troll toll if you want to get into this boy’s hole. You gotta pay the troll toll to get in.”
Bryan Singer just preyed on homeless kids.
Every. Goddamn. Time.
I mean at that point its a pathological need to be ‘better’/different from everybody else. Poor people can travel the world, poor people can take a booze cruise even if they don’t own the yacht, poor people can even go to space if they train and study enough. If poor people are pedos its a whole lot harder for them to get away with it and they definitely can’t have parties or tell anyone about it. So the exclusivity, plus the fact that its become ritualized and used for blackmail purposes mean that once you’ve been pushed to cross that line once, you keep crossing it, and pushing others to cross it with you.
MAN THINKERS - Are All Rich People Pedophiles?: https://youtu.be/JftenwRmtAs
I don’t really get the joke. So much of what they said was nonsense. Just about everything.
That really is filthy rich
No no, we’re thinking of things to do besides molesting children.
Out of the loop?
tl;dr: Rich people
Epstein’s island
Damn, where y’all been living? Can I join?