This is my attitude whenever someone complains about there being too much ‘politics’ in everything.
Everything touches politics, but we only notice it when it adversely effects us. The people who take as granted that politics is it’s own thing are usually the people who are the most privileged by it.
I think I can explain the bad taste the comic leaves in my mouth regarding politics (and generally a lot of the discussion). It’s not that everything isn’t politics, it’s that everything is being framed as “two-sided politics”, black/white, red/blue. An argument can be made that with “the system”(america), yes voting action can be viewed that way. But it’s subjugating the entire conversation 100% of the time.
For instance, what policy is this comic critiquing and bringing awareness too? It feels like the lowest effort-bottom of the barrel attempt at a political cartoon for the clicks and ragebait. It’s not calling attention to any individuals or organizations involved, it’s a satirical stabbing for communities that are really hurting.
I guess I’m reiterating, “This is a shit comic that does nothing for anyone but the creator getting rageclicks.” It’s the difference between Dane Cook or George Carlin stand up, punching up or punching down, etc. “656 anti trans bills” (please actually link useful facts snowclown 1,2) This comic didn’t bring up a single one of them, or their authors or their districts where efforts could be made to make progressive movements.
but again, I’m critiquing the comic and it’s attempt at … being something? I suppose I feel it’s more harmful than helpful, helps incite more rage than awareness. It’s an absurd scenario in which a maga person looking at this “knows” they wouldn’t stab someone so they can shrug off the hyperbole (while still supporting politicians that undermine transrights). On the progressive side we just have bullshit political polarization.
There’s deeper conversations and fundamentals to get into which can be debated but irregardless my only gripe is “it’s a lazy comic taking easy swings at low hanging fruit that just further muddies the water instead of progressing anything”. I think if you’re going to be faux-edgy, you should probably stay out of making such direct political statement cartoons.
I think you actually don’t like the message of the comic, because if you didn’t like it or thought it was lazy, you would probably move on.
For me, this comic represents my lived experience. I have had people in my life literally say “It’s just politics” and call trans people sexually deviant pedophiles at the same time. And if you haven’t had that happen to you, good for you. But I like the comic because it is simple, short, and pretty good at conveying that feeling.
Sorry if that feels lazy to you, art is subjective, but I think the message of this is pretty fucking obvious because of its simplicity.
I try to reply instead of downvoting, healthier for discourse and sometimes opens up new perspectives from others. I also try not to abandon conversations (though I have hundreds in my inbox I haven’t gotten to).
I don’t appreciate the shift in trying to pin me with your own thoughts so probably best to end the chain, but I’ll still validate and not argue your experience because it is art (begrudgingly admitted) and you are human.
Eh, fair enough. I was a bit rude there, but the intent is that while I agree this isn’t a super complex piece of art, I don’t think it needs to be. I would even argue that by making the message as simple as possible, it does what it sets out to do quite well, which is to physically represent the emotions of the author. Maybe they don’t match yours, but that is the subjectivity of it. I know that I would be quite dismissive of other webcomics, but I would likely dismiss it for the subject matter, and not the quality. Webcomics tend to be a fairly simple medium, so I let a lot of things pass for it.
Isn’t it totally obvious what the comic is critiquing? There are too many people out there who vote for racist parties that want to eliminate people in their social circle and that are totally butthurt when they get called out for that and are bitter when those people don’t want to have anything to do with them afterwards. “It’s just politics”
I agree. The bad taste is not that while not wrong per-se, it’s just reduces a complex issue into “red bad” while wholly failing to acknowledge that Democrats have been complicit in facilitating the Overton Window this far.
“Progressives” are really hard on the “REPUBLICANS DID THIS!” and never really pick up on the “and Democrats met them half way.”
This blue no matter who reduction hopes to hide liberalism is the slow road to fascism.
The problem isn’t meany racist MAGAts. It’s the entire system spending decades working overtly toward fascism with a bunch of clueless fucking rubes staring complacently.
“The real problem with this murder is that the police didn’t do enough to stop it. You should blame they police just as much, if not more, than the murderer.”
No, the murderer is to blame. Yes, you can criticise those that should have prevented it for not doing more, but the people actually doing the bad thing are worse than the people not stopping the bad thing.
If someone stole your wallet the person who stood there and watched it happen is not the person you should be focusing on.
This is my attitude whenever someone complains about there being too much ‘politics’ in everything.
Everything touches politics, but we only notice it when it adversely effects us. The people who take as granted that politics is it’s own thing are usually the people who are the most privileged by it.
I think I can explain the bad taste the comic leaves in my mouth regarding politics (and generally a lot of the discussion). It’s not that everything isn’t politics, it’s that everything is being framed as “two-sided politics”, black/white, red/blue. An argument can be made that with “the system”(america), yes voting action can be viewed that way. But it’s subjugating the entire conversation 100% of the time.
For instance, what policy is this comic critiquing and bringing awareness too? It feels like the lowest effort-bottom of the barrel attempt at a political cartoon for the clicks and ragebait. It’s not calling attention to any individuals or organizations involved, it’s a satirical stabbing for communities that are really hurting.
Idk, I think it’s VERY SPECIFICALLY about trans rights, but I just can put my finger on why…
I’ll just blanket reply and here since it’s all basically the same response I’m getting with attempts at insults sprinkled in.
I guess I’m reiterating, “This is a shit comic that does nothing for anyone but the creator getting rageclicks.” It’s the difference between Dane Cook or George Carlin stand up, punching up or punching down, etc. “656 anti trans bills” (please actually link useful facts snowclown 1,2) This comic didn’t bring up a single one of them, or their authors or their districts where efforts could be made to make progressive movements.
but again, I’m critiquing the comic and it’s attempt at … being something? I suppose I feel it’s more harmful than helpful, helps incite more rage than awareness. It’s an absurd scenario in which a maga person looking at this “knows” they wouldn’t stab someone so they can shrug off the hyperbole (while still supporting politicians that undermine transrights). On the progressive side we just have bullshit political polarization.
There’s deeper conversations and fundamentals to get into which can be debated but irregardless my only gripe is “it’s a lazy comic taking easy swings at low hanging fruit that just further muddies the water instead of progressing anything”. I think if you’re going to be faux-edgy, you should probably stay out of making such direct political statement cartoons.
I think you actually don’t like the message of the comic, because if you didn’t like it or thought it was lazy, you would probably move on.
For me, this comic represents my lived experience. I have had people in my life literally say “It’s just politics” and call trans people sexually deviant pedophiles at the same time. And if you haven’t had that happen to you, good for you. But I like the comic because it is simple, short, and pretty good at conveying that feeling.
Sorry if that feels lazy to you, art is subjective, but I think the message of this is pretty fucking obvious because of its simplicity.
I try to reply instead of downvoting, healthier for discourse and sometimes opens up new perspectives from others. I also try not to abandon conversations (though I have hundreds in my inbox I haven’t gotten to).
I don’t appreciate the shift in trying to pin me with your own thoughts so probably best to end the chain, but I’ll still validate and not argue your experience because it is art (begrudgingly admitted) and you are human.
Eh, fair enough. I was a bit rude there, but the intent is that while I agree this isn’t a super complex piece of art, I don’t think it needs to be. I would even argue that by making the message as simple as possible, it does what it sets out to do quite well, which is to physically represent the emotions of the author. Maybe they don’t match yours, but that is the subjectivity of it. I know that I would be quite dismissive of other webcomics, but I would likely dismiss it for the subject matter, and not the quality. Webcomics tend to be a fairly simple medium, so I let a lot of things pass for it.
Isn’t it totally obvious what the comic is critiquing? There are too many people out there who vote for racist parties that want to eliminate people in their social circle and that are totally butthurt when they get called out for that and are bitter when those people don’t want to have anything to do with them afterwards. “It’s just politics”
I agree. The bad taste is not that while not wrong per-se, it’s just reduces a complex issue into “red bad” while wholly failing to acknowledge that Democrats have been complicit in facilitating the Overton Window this far.
“Progressives” are really hard on the “REPUBLICANS DID THIS!” and never really pick up on the “and Democrats met them half way.”
This blue no matter who reduction hopes to hide liberalism is the slow road to fascism.
The problem isn’t meany racist MAGAts. It’s the entire system spending decades working overtly toward fascism with a bunch of clueless fucking rubes staring complacently.
“The real problem with this murder is that the police didn’t do enough to stop it. You should blame they police just as much, if not more, than the murderer.”
No, the murderer is to blame. Yes, you can criticise those that should have prevented it for not doing more, but the people actually doing the bad thing are worse than the people not stopping the bad thing.
If someone stole your wallet the person who stood there and watched it happen is not the person you should be focusing on.
Yes, they are part of the system. You’re so eager to disagree you don’t understand you’re making my point.
You all won’t be able to fix anything if you’re more focused on what feels good to yell about you can’t focus on the root cause.