• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023

  • But that complacency isn’t happening to everyone. A lot are just festering, slowly digesting more incredulous and radical propaganda/influencers. Every ones base reality of the events that are happening over the country is getting completely skewed by the new types of outlets like tiktok that they flock to because of the lack of accountability by our elected officials and journalists/news organizations.

    During just this last hurricane Helene I’ve heard more anger and outrage about the government than anything to actually do about what’s been hit or what the people and rescue workers are actually doing. This is how we get mass shooters and assassinations becoming more prolific, people aren’t just complaining and going about their day. They’re nodding and grinding their teeth while smiling.

  • In the link comment I provided I did state it was a far off miracle. But, my focus was less on 3rd parties or electoral reform, it was directly related to the “National Committees” that exists. I’m all for state parties, reminds me of when Bell was split into it’s different areas. But on a national level I wonder if it can be argued that it’s so far removed from focusing on “political ideologies of it’s group” to becoming a service provider for selected candidates. You could look at the committee’s structures, are they even following their own political ideologies, what type of controlling power they have, etc etc.

  • This question was less about electoral practices are more about a single entity controlling the national level of it’s party. I feel the function of these at a national level, can be argued as an organization/company which controls the market for their party. What “political party” protections are there and what distinguishes them from any other organization that could be regulated by the anti-competitive laws. I feel they are political in name only, and can truly be academically and legally viewed as a business (which supports mainly political clients).

  • They’re unfortunately eating all the pecans, the property has large pecan and acorn trees everywhere from one of the previous owners so they’re always well fed. Looks to me like I have eastern fox squirrels after researching into it further, they can grow up to 30 inches in length and the claws look about right. Seems like my area is one of the few places in the state they reside, really glad I looked into it further and finding out so much more about them.

    I will say, I absolutely love the guys and want to do more with the property to support them. The property around us was recently clear cut so our trees are the only vestige of a habitat that they have left around here. I’ve always thought about setting up a webcam of some sort because they love sun bathing on our bricks during the cool hours and will sit on our window sills under the awning when it gets really hot out. That’s how I’ve been able to observe them so closely and realized they’re not so cute and cuddly so wouldn’t want to be trapped in an enclosed space with a frightened one.

  • I’m guessing most people in here haven’t had to interact with a tense squirrel in a confined area before. Squirrels look cute when they’re sitting with their twitchy fluffy tails and extremities tucked in or jumping/climbing around gracefully.

    The reality, squirrels are huge up close (cat sized), have extremely muscular physiques, and fucking claws like a Velociraptor. I’ll admit though with trying to find pictures online that it turns out my local breed is just a larger species of the family but there’s really no photography I’m finding out there of them. Guess it’s time to learn some new skills and post up the group that lives around the house.

  • I enjoy being naked. Not a taboo “sexual” joy, but like my body can freely move. I’m more aware of what I’m doing and what my body is feeling. My posture is better, I don’t overeat (it’s psychological, seeing and feeling myself controls zombie gluttony), my skin feels healthier being exposed, I’m more confident in being shirtless or “exposed” compared to normal societal dress, etc etc etc.

    Most important part, we need to combat the “naked=sexual”. It’s taboo in the west and we have a real health problem with body hiding and not openly talking about stuff.

    All that said, they’re wearing shoes and helmets… It makes no sense and this is just a performative event. I wear clothes when I’m cooking or doing anything that might harm my skin on contact. They’re doing a 6 day TANDEM marathon!! That’s a lot of faith in the universe and all of it’s constantly moving parts.

  • It’s so transparent how much of a hard-on you’re getting with your justice rage. “I’m just presenting the facts”, yes, just like the unjust legal system we are all living under, you have confidently defined the “reasoning” behind the conviction. The debate and conversation around it, is for the citizens to discuss the absurd practices of the justice system, which you are just being a speakerbox for with no personal context. That’s already been done by the justice system so why regurgitate and post multiple links to your enlightenment.

    After the first comment I just scrolled by after reading, then you’ve plastered your masterlink of pleasure confirming the pleasure and how much you want others to view it. What’s your personal opinion on a 15 year old being charged in this manner? Does this 15 year old have the full faculty of an adult? Do you believe a 15 year old is an adult or just for this case? How do you feel about the murder charge? Yeah, you can hide behind the law, but I would rather hear what your actual opinion is especially after seeing a post you’ve done like “The less racist a country is, the harder it is to detect enemy spies. #showerthoughts

  • Cataphract@lemmy.mlOPtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldLemmy - xkcd style (OC)
    1 month ago

    +1, really like it. So downvotes are for things that suck to a person? That’s where my confusion comes from, what are people using the downvote for that’s so prevalent it’s sacred and needs to be protected? A downvote is one level below a report for me basically, for content that’s gone off the rails or levels on breaking a rule (like harassment etc). I wouldn’t want reports to be anonymous so they’re not abused, just like downvotes. If we’re using the vote system for an opinion based algorithm I could understand why people want it private but that’s not it’s purpose.

  • That’s just not the same at all. How many times do you get to vote on the referenda? I’m really interested to know where this mindset comes from that a social media upvote/downvote is anything like a real political “vote”. It’s completely different except the name, is that where the confusion is coming from? Is this an age/demographic thing?

    You can vote no or yes on a referendum. The Upvote is for comments that contribute, the downvote is for off-topic not that you disagree with the policy! By continuing this logic you’re exposing you want to continue “Voting” on whether you agree with a topic in “privacy”. That’s not how public discourse works, which this is. You guys are acting like everyone is a guest speaker and you’re the X-factor judge deciding if they should continue or get off the stage.

    Anyone looking at the actual voting system on here would not say it’s democratic or fair/balanced. There are no protections or even logic to construct a system like that because we’re not voting on policies! This is a town square, not your local council. You’re wanting to walk into the square and vote on the flowers or people walking by, that’s not how public interaction should work!

    In every single thread the downvote is abused as a “I disagree” or as a reactionary “I don’t like this person”. It does absolutely nothing for the conversation, it’s solely for others to feel better if the numbers match their own personality or to dissuade the person who’s being downvoted from voicing their opinion.

    This whole event is rather sad and disheartening like a depressing xkcd

  • Everyone’s fleshed out a lot of the discussions so I’ll just bullet point my opinion to try to better explain the discourse I’m seeing on here

    • I view “Lemmy” like it’s a Community Center with group discussions, Community gatherings, and/or lectures with public comments. If you’re in the crowd “Booing” (downvoting) without standing up and making your position clear, you’re not adding anything to the discussion.

    • Downvote/Upvote is not like “Booth Voting” at all. You have ONE vote in a democracy, that’s the core principle. You don’t vote Yes for a candidate then vote No for another. You don’t see a ticker above the booth tallying everyone’s vote that was before you (voter manipulation, why hidden scores became a thing).

    • I think this would go over a lot better if mods had the choice of how to present the votes. Opt in or out of showing voters, opt in or out of showing scores or eliminating downvotes or even upvotes if you want. Give the power to the community and create useful tools for mods to try out.

  • You keep getting heated and bringing up other things that aren’t equated trying to make some type of metaphor and it’s not connecting for me so I apologize if you’re getting frustrated. I don’t see the social-score and “you have nothing to hide” being a valid argument that pertains to this discussion and just fear mongering distracting from a simple forum mechanic and a system of interacting with it.

    I think the upvote/downvote system is abused by the general user by default when it comes to anonymity and many more are tempted as time progresses. When you’re in a crowd you don’t boo or cheer anonymously, it’s an open public space where people see your actions. More accountability to the people interacting with a system seems like a positive to me.

    In regards to the security/protection thing, others have already chimed in and hopefully you understand the data is already tracked and available to those who have a desire for it. My relevant parts where I talked about it before

    You are not private or anonymous on here, if your actions on this platform put you in danger than do not continue to interact thinking it’s completely safe! These things can already be seen, this discussion is about making it show up in every UI by default instead.

  • Again, please stop saying this removes protections for trans/gay. That information is already public and you’re making it seem like they are currently safe versus what this change would do to them. The blocking scenario is what happens now, you just wouldn’t know they made a new account unless you’re actually able to see it. IDK why you brought video games into this, more often it’s for cheats as trolls and harassment get left unchecked on a lot of platforms. If votes don’t matter now why not change it to a form where they do matter?

    If I disagree with something I’ll usually comment or upvote someone who has the same sentiment. I try my best not to petty downvote anything and I don’t understand why you’re stating you have to declare why you upvote, it’s something you find as a contribution, already defined for an intended purpose. This doesn’t take away any meaningful engagement besides mass voting in your scenario, people will still comment who have something to say. I think we just see two different sides of the aisle lol, ty for the discussion btw.

  • Gah, way to take it to extreme. You are not private or anonymous on here, if your actions on this platform put you in danger than do not continue to interact thinking it’s completely safe! These things can already be seen, this discussion is about making it show up in every UI by default instead.

    If someone is going through your history and downvoting in a harassing way, just block them. They’re not there for discussion and the problem is solved. Without seeing a repeat offender you’ll never know and the harassment can continue. I see discussions being more open honestly, you actually have to take a second to think about your downvote instead of just gut reacting it.