Donald Tusk told parliament on Friday that if Russia took control of parts of Ukraine, then Poland would find itself in a “difficult geographical situation.”
He said: “We are preparing large-scale military training for every adult man in Poland. Our goal is to finalize the plan by year’s end to ensure a well-trained reserve force ready for potential threats.
“If Ukraine loses the war, or if it accepts the terms of peace, armistice, or capitulation in such a way that weakens its sovereignty and makes it easier for Putin to gain control over Ukraine, then without a doubt—and we will all agree on this—Poland will find itself in a much more difficult geopolitical situation.”
Talking to reporters, Tusk later clarified that he was not announcing a resumption of basic military service.
“If I were proposing a return to basic military service, I would say so. We have several models. One of the most appreciated ones is the Swiss model,” he said, adding that in the latter system training is “not compulsory, but there are incentives that cause men to opt for annual training.”
Why just men? Yes, men are generally stronger than women, but that doesn’t mean women are not capable of military service. And there are also men who aren’t capable of something like that.
Note: I’m against being forced into military service, just asking this
Maybe because they don’t want to send their whole population to the meat grinder?
From a repop level men are more desposible than women. Which is funny cause women are second class citizens often. To clarify, 1 woman can only produce on avg 1 child per year. While a man can do far more than that. So if male pop dropped from a wierd disease or war its recoverable. Not ideal obviously from a genetic level but far better than if women population got cut in half. That would cause tons of problems.
Because women only want equal or greater representation in the cushy jobs.
Feminism has never been about equality and the people who say otherwise are lying to your faces.
How come we never see a push for equal representation in waste management?
How come we never see a push to include women in the draft, or abolish it for men?
Actions speak louder than words.
We don’t have conscription in Australia and women went to prison to help stop it:
We do. You’re wrong.
Of course some of you do, it’d be asinine to think that literally nobody does.
But by and large, most of you don’t care about equality.
They need an army of pawns and believe men suit better the job.
In the rogue state of Israel, it’s required for “both sexes”.
The only democracy in the Middle East.
So I don’t see problem with it. More like a sexism problem.
EDIT: It’s “not compulsory”, so != conscription.