Jesus, they’re going through and “purifying” all the different government archives. This is gonna do irreparable harm to our knowledge of history. Utterly vile
The Enola Gay is still mildly radioactive, so I can’t help but think “Hot gays in your area ready to bang”
If they do this then they should at least be consistent and remove every mention of the words Straight, Bi, Pan and Trans as well
Taking your Biplane for a transatlantic flight, straight to the Panama canal? That’s a paddlin
Bicycles are banned. Cars are no longer allowed to have transmissions either.
Transatlantic towards Panama?
We Europeans didn’t ban those words.
Transcontinental would work though
Enola Sad and Straight
This is just a book burning.
The fuck ???
It’s the name of pilot’s mother: Enola Gay Tibbets !!! It has nothing to do with LGBTQRSTwhatever !!!
Yes that’s why it’s the article.
So the snowflakes have reached the banning words stage now, have they?
Also apparently any photo of any Black or woman service member.
Because they didn’t consider the possibility that women and Black service members did noteworthy things based on their actual merit.
“Images of historically significant military achievements or personnel, such as the Tuskegee Airmen and the first female Marine Corps infantry graduates, have been flagged for removal.”
Wow. That’s pretty blatant.
Normal country
Normal things are done in it.
I’m fine. We’re fine. We’re all fine here. How are you?
“It was a lousy conversation anyway. Chewie, we’re gonna have company!”
(As usual)
find /mnt/gubarmentfiles/ -name “*gay*” -exec rm {} \;
– some dogenerate, propably.
I don’t believe that they’re even that capable. Probably really on LLMs to write every script for them and don’t know whether or not it actually works.
I was really hoping this was a case of intentional malicious compliance to draw attention to the stupidity of this new policy. No such luck.
I wonder if this is an example of malicious compliance.
Likely it’s being done this way to overwhelm anf tire out the activists of all kinds ASAP, then the techbros can build their network states.
Have a yabba dabba do time, a dabba do time…
So censorship 🤣
What are you doing this weekend, Trump? Something gay, no doubt?
Making the gay pay tarrifs.