Canadian quotas? Classic Trump move—complain loudly, ignore the facts.
“These sky high Tariffs are part of Canada’s unfair, long-standing policy to shield domestic producers from foreign competition, especially in Agriculture,”
That’s exactly what tariffs are for, yes. What did you think they were for?
“Only I’m allowed to do shit” complains world’s most pampered grandpa
Like, ignoring a trade deal we created? Oh no, that was him. Donnie, if you’re going to attack people, you can’t get upset when they defend themselves. Maybe you should just take your ball and go home?
I thought he’s a master deal maker?
Ignoring a deal he signed!
Not a war crime the first time. Sit down, Donald.
Canada: “I’ll fuckin do it again”
What a petulant fucking child.
Donald Trump does not lose trade wars. He wins them, or he quits because the other side is cheating.
Trump: “I challenge you to a fist fight!”
[gets punched]
Trump: “No fair! You cheated!”
Trump is basically Cartman from South Park.
Idiot fucks around, finds out. More at 11
im glad you asked me about playing with my balls, mister trump
the cryest of crybullies
“Plankton cheated!”
Yeah… we’re definitely cool with becoming dependent on the US for our food supply.