Libre Wolf isn’t bad.
Born with a lead spoon in my mouth.
Libre Wolf isn’t bad.
It’s pretty obvious who voted for Hitler, it’s the same whack-a-doodle Christians that voted for Trump. It’s always the religious weirdos who can’t keep it to themselves and feel the need to censor anyone who doesn’t think like them. Anytime I saw a church in Germany I assumed it was much like America: a fascist stomping ground under the watch of perpetually tortured dude who did nothing wrong. So fucking wierd.
Many want Trump voters to be this kind of evil villain, but if you know any, they’re dumb, arrogant, fragile assholes.
Fine, male mail order bride it is. No kiss on mouth!
Why would Ukraine be negotiating with another adversary? That’s like a boxer going to the wrong corner after the round, that guy also wants you to get your ass kicked.
Cool, where can I flee to?
This isn’t true, the duck is just much closer…
That’s funny, I’m an American who literally argued with a German why Schwarze Pete (Black Pete) being a thing in the Netherlands, a country that heavily dealt in the slave trade, serving as a servant for Santa, and encouraging a form a black face… maybe a little racist?
Germans really like to analyze American politics, but mention nuclear power or Palestine and you see there’s a lot more in common than different.