Undisputed UK champion of pyro cricket.
I am an IT guy and a hobby photographer, judge for yourself:
I won’t lie, some of your work I’d give five stars.
Thank you!
These are gorgeous! If it’s okay with you, may I use this as my wallpaper?
If yes, is there a high res image? Thanks!
Blam, here is the full size version!
Thanks loads! It’s pretty sick and now is my lock screen wallpaper ;D
Yes you absolutely may use it in anyway you want, apart from commercial work (without asking).
I’ll see if I have a larger version of that photo when I get home!
Best part of having hobbies is that you don’t need to be good!
Why do you have to bring up my shortcomings like that?
I barely start them and then I jump to something else. I have a big problem
Depends on the hobby. I tend to collect hobbies and then grow bored of them, then return to them a while later.
I’ll become absolutely obsessed with learning about “hobby x”, and spend two months basically getting as close to an expert on it as I can with self-teaching. (Video Editing, filmmaking, screenwriting, 3D modelling for flight simulators, Graphic Design, etc…)
Then I’ll grow bored and move onto a new obsession from the above list, focus on that long enough that at least 25% of my knowledge of the previous obsession vanishes and I have to relearn a bunch the next time that obsession rolls around.
I’ve been told that’s possibly ADHD, but since I suffer from depression I’ll take my bursts of obsessiveness over lack of any motivation any day.
This is me!!! Especially the relearning part 😆 Side bonus is I’m really good at reading docs(programming) now!
I really just play video games, and the game I was best at was Rocket League. When I played, I was in the top rank and would regularly end up in matches with actual pros. I wanted to try going to RLCS, but I could never find teammates to sign up with.
But I also have 100% achievements in all 3 dark souls and elden ring, while currently going for Bloodborne’s. Sekiro I haven’t even beaten yet… Gonna have to cheese Owl.
I feel bullied by this question
Jack of all trades; master of none.
I am an aggressively mediocre singer but the 2 hour rehearsal on Monday is the highlight of my week. It’s so fucking fun man!
Awful! But the fun is having something i don’t need to be good at. Though i now have a lot of things i’m at least mediocre at, those are just old hobbies.
I usually learn my hobbies at small fraction of the rate i would have learned something in school. Years instead of weeks/months. I learn them deeper this way and don’t develop burnout.
I think it is a trap to think about it this way. My hobbies are meant to bring me joy and challenge, no matter what level i am on
Not very good, but that’s sort of the point for me; my favourite part of any hobby is the learning. I did a woodworking class the other day!
It’s taken a lot of work to get to the point where I can be comfortable with being mediocre at something and just doing it for the joy of it. I’m quite an intense person, with perfectionist tendencies, so it’s nice to be able to carve out some things that I can be more chill about.
Um, I beat Noita once. I beat FTL: Faster Than Light on Hard sometimes. I beat Pocket Rogue once. I also scored first-place in some hard-difficulty Moon Rider VR beatmaps, but I gotta get back into that.
Mediocre at best, and I lack the mental fortitude to work at much of anything these days, so wherever I’m at, I’m not going to improve much.
Some people relish the feeling of swimming through molasses* for the next hit of progress dopamine, or they don’t get that feeling at all, but that’s what happens to me and it basically short-circuits something in my brain. It’s bad enough that I struggled to write the last part of that sentence, and it’s happening while I’m proofreading this as well.
* or treacle if the unintended concept of small mammal anatomy bothers you.
Hey mate, are things a bit tricky for you right now?
Thanks for your concern. I’m getting by.
Big hug