If all goes well, I should get my permanent residency here in Japan in a couple more months; I’m just waiting on all the paperwork to get done (probably may-june).
I’m looking forward to eating fresh veg right off the farm, but that’s not going to start super soon (well, from my own farm, anyway; some locals have hot-houses and are already producing various things).
I’m hoping to get my amateur radio license this year as well, but I don’t really have much time to study (fulltime job + running a small farm business) so we’ll see on that one.
If all goes well, I should get my permanent residency here in Japan in a couple more months; I’m just waiting on all the paperwork to get done (probably may-june).
I’m looking forward to eating fresh veg right off the farm, but that’s not going to start super soon (well, from my own farm, anyway; some locals have hot-houses and are already producing various things).
I’m hoping to get my amateur radio license this year as well, but I don’t really have much time to study (fulltime job + running a small farm business) so we’ll see on that one.
Ooh, I’ll wanna get your callsign and lisyen to your farm reports.