Uh… The farthest left ideology out there is anarchism, which is long story short the abolishment of the top-down state. That is literally the opposite of authoritarian.
Those of us who recognize that organization is the most powerful force in human history recognize anarchism for the controlled opposition it is.
Capitalists love anarchists. What isn’t to love about an ideology that wants to overthrow the established structure but ideologically refuses to use any strategies that have historically actually, you know, have worked?
P.S. for the intellectually honest anarchist, what was the outcome of the Paris commune, or Spain?
Uh… The farthest left ideology out there is anarchism, which is long story short the abolishment of the top-down state. That is literally the opposite of authoritarian.
Political theory is not a two dimensional line.
Those of us who recognize that organization is the most powerful force in human history recognize anarchism for the controlled opposition it is.
Capitalists love anarchists. What isn’t to love about an ideology that wants to overthrow the established structure but ideologically refuses to use any strategies that have historically actually, you know, have worked?
P.S. for the intellectually honest anarchist, what was the outcome of the Paris commune, or Spain?