Inversion Thinking

Instead of thinking about positive outcomes (assuming everything will turn out right), turn the process on its head by thinking what could go wrong and cause you to fail so you know what and who to avoid to maximize your chance of success or at least not being surprised so you’re able to make contingency plans ahead of time to compensate

You need to also do the more conventional process of thinking so you actually have an affirmative plan but it helps to know where all the mines are buried (like Minesweeper)

      9 months ago

      Yeah I don’t have to consciously do it. I have to consciously think of the positives.

      9 months ago

      The definition given is almost word for word the definition of an engineering mindset, regardless of field.

      I’d say it’s not a bad way to think about your life as well, as long as you limit the scope to things you realistically have the ability to impact and focus most of your energy on the actual problem solving.

        9 months ago

        I am getting so jaded with engineering these days. The engineering mindset seems to be to stifle all innovation and have endless meetings.

    • cheese_greater@lemmy.worldOP
      9 months ago

      Maybe inverse thinking for you could be tempering all that with what might go right and leveraging that as a way to honor both the negative and positive capabillities of your mind.

      You’re telling me you couldn’t literally just reverse whatever your pessimistic insights were as a thought experiment and find a way to take both into consideration to inform your final approch or strategy for whatever is at issue?

      The best way I’ve come across to illustrate this is

      1. Hope/ideate for the best but plan or mitigate the worst
      2. How could this go wrong; tell me where I’m going to die so I can avoid thar
        9 months ago

        The problem with anxiety and experiencing this inversion thinking is that it is a constant bombardment of everything that can go wrong. Combined with PTSD/CPTSD, the brain is in constant “danger mode”, looks for all kinds of dangers, not just the ones we have control over. It is a terrifying way to go through life. I’ve been in therapy for years and yes, countering with what can go right is one of the coping techniques, but it takes extreme effort. Constant effort over years and years to change these thinking patterns, to lessen the anxiety of what can go wrong to the point that it is actually useful again. Until then, the brain rapidly rejects thoughts of what can go right, because it is so strongly convinced that things will go wrong.

        The goal is what you are saying, yes. But for a lot of us it takes completely rewiring our brains to escape the constant bombardment of thoughts of danger, to avoid the fear and anxiety. It isnt as easy as just flipping it around.

        This is similar to the advice people give to depressed people about looking for positives in life, sure thats true and will help eventually, but there is so much more work that needs to be done when the brain is in a really bad place. It doesnt really help to say “just think of the bright side!”

        • cheese_greater@lemmy.worldOP
          9 months ago

          I’m emphatically stating I had and still have all that, I frequently gloom/doom and think I’m going to fail massively and it rarely happens at all or even close to that extent. And then there’s a little bit of relief which may be addictive.

          Like, what I’m suggesting is for a time to write out all your doom and panic projections for whatever is at issue and literally reverse them and see if that can help leverage you out of that pattern once you’ve paid sufficient attention to the risk/that which comes most immediately and natural.

          I’m not necessarily saying you have to immediately mentally rewire yet (thats a process), but simply turn whatever first comes up on its head and see where that takes you conceptually