• 19 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Greatly appreciate the 2FA improvement! I can finally enable it now without locking myself out, which happened every time I tried to enable it previously.

    However, in true Fediverse fashion, they’ve made it 122.6% more complicated than it needs to be. Why contain all of the relevant information in a button pointing to a highly specific protocol? I had to manually copy and paste the button’s URL into Notepad++ and cut the parts I needed from it. Why not just give the secret or a QR code like literally every other implementation of 2FA that has ever existed? I’ve never seen such a button before on any other website when I wanted to switch on 2FA, even on Mastodon they use a QR code and/or the secret key.

    And no backup codes? 🤔

    I sound like a complainy complainer, but I’m genuinely happy/grateful I could enable 2FA. I’m just a n00b who worries about people even n00bier than I am trying to figure it out.


  • Elon is psychologically compromised. Not sure if it’s rampant drug abuse, mental illness unrelated to drugs, a brain tumour, or what. But the man is not on planet earth, and not in the way he would prefer. If he weren’t a billionaire, he’d be sectioned/committed. Same with Kanye; that dude would be in care in no time flat if he were a regular Joe. This is one of the few ways that being rich and famous is a net negative; when you need help the most, you get enablers and yes men instead fermenting your insanity for their own purposes or out of fear for their own livelihoods.

  • I watched My Neighbour Totoro (1988) yesterday for the first time. I’m not into animé in the slightest, I actively hate most of the pop culture that surrounds it, so I was bracing for impact before starting it. But man, it’s an incredible film. The background artwork was breathtaking, every frame was literally a painting, shown for a second or two then gone forever. The level of detail was overwhelming. There was something about the way it was animated and coloured and “lit” that made it feel like my soul was being nourished.

    The youngest kid was so well-written and animated, reminded me so much of my nieces and nephews at that age. The way small everyday human things were included elevated the experience hugely. Like, the way the kid clumsily walks down the stairs, or the way someone puts their shoes on (they even animated the dad slipping his shoes off from the chest up, so you just see his shoulders move in a way that makes it clear what his unseen feet are doing, really masterful stuff).

    My one criticism of it - and this may be a criticism of animated films in general - is the “frame rate” of the character animations. It was bordering on being a slideshow. Hand-drawn stuff that isn’t rotoscoped tends to have this issue, even in modern video games, and in Eastern animation in particular. For example, The Simpsons never had this problem, but Dragon Ball Z and Pokémon did (it’s probably one of the things that put me off the genre). It seems to be a stylistic choice, rather than just trying to save money by skipping the creation of every second frame. If so, it’s a choice I dislike and feel hurts the experience a little. Not hugely, just a little.

    The story and acting were really pitch-perfect. Certainly a nice change from the grotesque shit I usually watch.

    I’m going to be checking out the rest of Studio Ghibli’s oeuvre over the coming weeks. First on the list are: Grave of the Fireflies and Spirited Away. There are a few non-Ghibli animé films I plan to watch, too. Perfect Blue is one.

    I just need to ensure I precede each film with 15 minutes of chanting “I am not now, nor have I ever been, nor will I ever be, a weeaboo”.

  • Damn, sorry you have to make such efforts, and for so little return. Maybe you can just be straight with him? Not sure how receptive you think he’d be to that. Like “I’m not trying to change your opinions, but you don’t need to bring up cancel culture and wokeness in every conversation, just like I’m not trying to convince you to start transitioning into a lass every time you bring up last night’s football game. Even if I agreed with you 100%, this shit is exhausting.” Or words to that effect.

    I’m already anticipating a possible response: “Just because I’m not a sheep like everyone else, content to live in their own little bubble while the world burns around them, doesn’t mean I have to be.” To which I would respond “well, I hope you enjoy being ‘right’ on your own as you eventually push away everyone who has your back in this life, because even the most vicious conservative doesn’t spend 24 hours of his day talking about this shit in conversations that don’t call for it. They have other hobbies and interests, and they have enough self-preservation to know when to stop pushing their beliefs on family and friends.”

    Or “yeah, I’m a sheep in a bubble, so can you show me the decency to let me do that in peace? I wanna have a relationship with you, I don’t care that you disagree with me politically, because there’s more to you than who you vote for or what cultural bullshit you’re currently obsessed with. Why can’t you see the same breadth of character in me?”

    Sorry for the wall of text, your post may have triggered a few memories from my own life… 🤣