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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 20th, 2024


  • Its because they ran into the loudest, most annoying vegans.

    IDK how, maybe different areas have more militant vegans, or maybe they just roll with negative stereotypes and the algorithm bs that lets the worst folks float to the top of their media feeds.

    I’ve actively sought out vegans because they have great advice on dietary restriction resources and as long as you’re respectful of their choices, they’ve been consistently so willing to share.

    And they also really love a good breakfast, in my experience, like the local vegan group has just pages of discussion on good vegan donut resources.

  • I just find the labels as a useful tool. Descriptive, not prescriptive.

    They get across a lot with one word- you get antsy if you get around people too much, of you get antsy if you stay in too much.

    I think you’re taking this personally for some reason and you may need to reconsider the media and/or company you’re paying attention to if this is bothering you like this. Maybe even if just for a little while.

    Same goes for whenever any use of any labels starts bothering a person- its usually just a symptom of some kind of jargon fatigue.

    You said it yourself- you think it all feels like “Pop psychology nonsense.” But do you even need all that pop psychology in your life in the first place?

  • I doubt it, seeing as all the cavity consists of tapered shapes. A mushroom would leave behind some evidence of being sealed inside, and the mushroom cap structure grows above ground, while spuds grow buried underneath soil. It logistically doesn’t quite check out IMO.

    What I suspect happens in these kinds of shapes- and I see them fairly often -is that the potato simply expands as it grows, and it just pulls apart at some point of stress, kinda like a warped piece of wood.

    Except its an oblate spheroid, so it “cracks” in the center.

    This could be some kind of encapsulated material, I don’t know the details of how potatoes protect themselves from foreign bodies.

    But, in theory, there could be some kinda dead fungus in there, slain by a potato-based void…?

  • Offered an ear to a stranger who got a cancer diagnosis. Enabled a notification override for that discord convo so if they ever take me up on that, I’ll get it.
    It sounds like its something treatable, as they were talking about working while dealing with it, but still, that’s stressful AF. Cancer is scary.

    This isn’t much, but its the latest. Kinda feels nice to realize I did a nice thing even though I’m broke and physically struggling with stuff right now, so thanks.

    I think that’ll help me get back to sleep here, actually.

  • Well, its kinda like how dogs can be treated with a lot of cancer drugs people can’t- its largely a matter of longevity and personhood. Just load 'em up with stuff that’ll cause all kinds of crazy side effects in a decade or so, if they’re at least six, even in longer lived breeds. (assuming its a bad form of cancer in the first place)

    Sheep don’t have to worry about the things people have to worry about when they aren’t going to have to use the same body for the better part of a century.
    So yes, they do get sick, but its not regarded as the same level of devastation because its an animal, you can use harsher treatments, and you’re not looking at the same level of magnitude of suffering or life lost.

    We also work a lot harder to keep a lot more physically frail individuals alive whom would otherwise just be dead if they were sheep. For example, I had a doting mother who got me medical attention for my frequent dehydration as a child, and I am now able to advocate for myself when I have those episodes.
    A sheep who couldn’t tolerate something foul on some grass would have likely died as a lamb and have just been a sad statistic before they even developed enough to graze.

    If we had much shorter lifespans, we’d honestly be some pretty rugged creatures. Our stomachs are only .5 less acidic than some carrion birds. More acidic than most carnivores.
    No worries about preserving teeth or joints, eat what you want, its literally Yolo!

    Our brains, vision, bipedalism and weird vomiting thing are pretty damn sensitive though.
    A lot of animals don’t have such a vomit issue. Rats literally can’t vomit, iirc.

  • One of the most fascinating responses to trolls I’ve found to DM trolls back in the day was “What happened to you to make you act like this?”

    It was amazing how just one question was enough for these jerks to do a 180° and trauma dump, explaining exactly why they were so desperate for attention.

    Not that it excuses their behavior, but boy did those trolls really just need a hug now and a single decent adult back in their childhood. Maybe that’s just the nature of the ones who wanted to talk, though…

  • Well, I’m not exactly super rich from med bills right now, but being physically well enough to do normal stuff would be a pretty bittersweet miracle. I’d take it in stride.

    I have a few loved ones who are pretty well off who would probably want to go on a few vacations with me, and I’d probably go do some cool stuff with some fandoms (I’m not even that into Xena but I want to go to a Xena event some time because that’s real fandom goals IMO) to celebrate nice people who exist and raise awareness of whatever’s killing me.

    If I were dying, love to do something dumb like ask the world for enough stickers to cover an entire car with pokemon or ponies or dragons or something.

    You would remember some obscure disease if it were the Dragon Sticker car, right?

  • I like the interpretation that the dog is an allegorical representation for a sort of goofus bodyguard.

    The point of security detail is that they just chill and stand by, right? All discrete and such, like the ancient version of the Agent 47-lookin’ dude with an earpiece who fades into the background.

    But because this schmuck is loyal but a dumbass like an ancient Golden Retriever, he opens things up to try and get a better view, so he can find and subsequently protect his peeps like a Good Boi.
    …In a space that historically likely could also function as a brothel.

    NSFW Dudley Do-Right kinda shenanigans.

    IIRC, this is the video that more or less had that interpretation in it:

    I, too, was bothered by the joke for years, and this is the first explanation that has adequately satisfied me.