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Pronouns: They/them


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I wouldn’t have called you an asshole until I read this comment! Really makes it seem like the whole post was more about ranting about your freedoms and those sensitive transgenders than a genuine inquiry into the lived experiences of trans guys, you know? Especially considering no one has said anything yet apart from yourself.

    In case anyone reading this is actually having questions about the content of the main post, OPs anecdotes are not representative of trans men as a whole. Those who choose to present that way do so for a myriad of reasons, just as the cis men who present that way do. Would you be asking yourself these same questions about cis men? Trans people get shit if they try “too hard” to conform to gender stereotypes and also get shit if they don’t conform enough.

  • Unfortunately, an individual cyclist cannot enact laws, build infrastructure, or change a culture of dangerous driving by oneself.

    What we can do is take precautions and cycle cautiously.

    That’s for individuals though, any political entity focusing on cyclists’ behaviour instead of the behaviour of drivers is missing the mark so badly.

    As for the existence of such “safety” videos, the ones I’ve seen have all been jokes because the insist heavily on following the law, especially government-funded videos. Breaking road laws written for motor vehicles is, in many situations as a cyclist, the safest course of action, but I’ve yet to see any safety video address this.

  • I guess I didn’t express myself properly, because I did not in any way want to suggest that safe cycling practices would necessarily protect you from the hoards of ignorant and inattentive drivers on the roads. IMO the best advice for cycling is ride as if everyone in a car is actively trying to hurt you.

    That being said, I do see a lot of cyclists in my city do stuff which puts them in risky situations more often than they need to be, which is what I was trying (and apparently failed, judging from the downvotes) to get at. No amount of safe cycling practices will make up for improper infrastructure or lack of proper driver training, that much I’m sure we agree on.But I’d hope you’ll agree that one’s not putting the odds in their favour if they’re, for example, riding down the wrong side of the road on the sidewalk at night without lights. If you’ve been cycling for 25+ years, I’ve no doubt you already follow most if not all of the safe cycling practices I wish I could share with my fellow cyclists, the intent of my comment was not to victim-blame cyclists but rather expressing my wish to help educate noobie cyclists to reach the level of knowledge and comfort on the road that more experienced cyclists like us take for granted.

    Of course you’ll still face road conflicts no matter what, the majority of drivers are a menace to public safety. It’s not a matter of eliminating risk, it’s about minimizing points of potential conflict in order to minimize risk.

  • I see so many inexperienced or uneducated cyclists in my city, I almost want to make some sort of “safe cycling” video tutorial. Stuff like not riding on sidewalks (especially on stroads), Idaho stops, how to navigate intersections safely, when to take the lane, how to find routes that are safer for cycling rather than just using the route you’d take in a car, etc.

    I actually feel safer on my bike than as a pedestrian in my city, but people don’t know the basics of safe cycling and get frightened by all the close calls they get when/if they try cycling. They then proceed to never cycle again because it’s “dangerous”, when really most of the danger can be avoided with smart, conscious riding.

  • I’m running GrapheneOS, so out of 82 apps on my phone only 10 packages aren’t open-source. These include social media, messaging, banking, and Google Play Store/services. So around 88% FOSS.

    I only use proprietary software on my device if there doesn’t exist a FOSS alternative*.

    *I know there are open-source options for social media/messaging but I don’t really consider having to convert my whole social circle to a new platform to be a viable alternative.

  • That sounds absolutely reasonable and the sort of mixed density cities should aim towards. If you never build any apartment buildings except in close proximity to existing apartment buildings, how did the first apartment building in your city come to be?

    Again, do you have an actual issue with these developments? How does these developments being larger than the surrounding buildings affect you in any way?