Honestly I think a large majority of people would be on board with this system, the thing is how do you describe this to a disengaged voting population in a way that is understandable but brief ? And at the same time, how do you quickly counter the ‘communist’ argument that would come from the ultra-capitalist right?
I don’t know if it’s really selfish more people are a part of a system that is bigger than them that forces them into situations that have a negative impact on CO2 levels
Working a job that has low pay which probably force people to housing that is further from their work place, in America most cities don’t have a great public transportation infrastructure nor do they have alternative commuting options like protected bike lanes. This forces people to have to drive more.
The Return to Office bullshit has forced more cars on the road that were not there 4 years ago which is impacting CO2 levels
These are just 2 of many different things that the system has created that have put people in situations that make slowing CO2 levels more difficult.
there was just a tiny bit of sarcasm with that question
Damn that’s a cool take I had never known about - thanks for that
The number of people that would go to the woods makes me think that staying in a city would be a better option.
Hell the 2000’s were bad - but it was just an extension to decades, if not centuries of homophobia. Watch the first 5 minutes of Eddie Murphy’s RAW to see what was socially acceptable to say in the late 70’s, early 80’s.
I’d want to do a series of shows based on the chapters from World War Z
Not online games but I’ve experienced this in other ways.
used to play in a ‘beer-in-hand’ kickball league. The game is played where you have to have always be holding a cup of beer (or water) while you are playing the game. It’s silly and fun and most people don’t take it seriously. Yet every season there was one team full of over achieving type A personalities that took it WAYYYYYY to seriously. Yelling at the refs if they feel they didn’t get a call right, yelling at the other team if they didn’t get the score right, being overall very aggressive. I swear they thought this was the Olympic tryouts or something.
No one liked playing that team, actually they were one of the main reasons that our group of friends stopped all together.
Where can I apply for a position to be a “they”. Sounds like a really fun career.
<Obnoxious Pedantic comment>
All your ideas would need to be legislated.
</Obnoxious Pedantic comment>
from the site: “Discover a world of immersive and customizable soundscapes that can enhance focus, relaxation, and sleep. Choose from noise generators, nature sounds and ambient music to create your perfect audio environment.”
I identify as a doggy paddler
From what I’ve researched in the past ( I don’t have time to look it up) is that due to fact that women naturally hold more body fat than men that they then have more energy to use on endurance runs. That while they are not faster than men due to smaller muscles they can move for longer periods of time due to having more fat energy.
I could be wrong it happens often with me.
your are connecting two different pieces of data. The speed that a person can run a marathon vs. the ability to run a marathon.
What they are stating is that women are better able to run that distance not that they are faster at running that distance than men.
Duh… Doesn’t everyone know this?
I remember watching this movie when I was around 12 years old. Had never heard of it before just started watching it and loved it. It’s It has become one of my top 3 favorite movies. It also introduced me to the world of the blues and some of the best blues musicians/singers.
I remember buying the soundtrack on CD and playing it over and over again. I think I was the only pre-teen that knew of Cab Calloway and could sing “hi-de-ho” .
wow, I was a weird kid
Had a guy pass me on the right going 20+ over the limit while taking a bong hit.
Capitalism that is bounded by strong regulations that are consistently and fairly enforced by government (the people) entities isn’t that bad.
It’s when those regulations get watered down or just removed in the name of “freedom” that we get what we have now.
Kinda shows what kind of person she is.
This reminds me a time I passed this 20-something man on a trail in Utah. He was only wearing shorts, no water, no shoes and had a look on his face that I can only describe as “holier than thou enlightenment”
My first reaction when I saw him was to roll my eyes and judge the fuck out of him, then it occurred to me that my reaction was just another version of what I saw in him. So thank you random stranger for allowing me to see the bullshit that I carry in me. But seriously if you are hiking in Utah, wear shoes and take water with you!