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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Not online games but I’ve experienced this in other ways.

    used to play in a ‘beer-in-hand’ kickball league. The game is played where you have to have always be holding a cup of beer (or water) while you are playing the game. It’s silly and fun and most people don’t take it seriously. Yet every season there was one team full of over achieving type A personalities that took it WAYYYYYY to seriously. Yelling at the refs if they feel they didn’t get a call right, yelling at the other team if they didn’t get the score right, being overall very aggressive. I swear they thought this was the Olympic tryouts or something.

    No one liked playing that team, actually they were one of the main reasons that our group of friends stopped all together.

  • I remember watching this movie when I was around 12 years old. Had never heard of it before just started watching it and loved it. It’s It has become one of my top 3 favorite movies. It also introduced me to the world of the blues and some of the best blues musicians/singers.

    I remember buying the soundtrack on CD and playing it over and over again. I think I was the only pre-teen that knew of Cab Calloway and could sing “hi-de-ho” .

    wow, I was a weird kid

  • True. But the people advocating for these laws don’t want to deal with nuance and compromise on what it would take to have a society where you educate people on sex in a healthy and positive way. These prohibitionists see the world as either bad or good - nothing in between. Good (how ever they decide to define it) must win no compromises, and the weapon that they use is unfounded fear of the bad and it works.

    And the reason fear works is because it is easy and visceral and reality’s complexity doesn’t work for media’s need for sound bites.

  • You are talking about the conviction, I am talking about the punishment. We the people of this country decide what the punishments are for crimes.

    So in the case of a murder conviction it maybe decided that this person has to be incarcerated for 20 years. They do their time and released. They did the punishment We decided as appropriate for the crime. They are done.

    In your example again We the people get to decide the punishment. It could be (and probably is) part of the punishment that a convicted child molester can never have a job working with people under a certain age. Maybe in this case the punishment can never fully be carried out so they always carry the moniker of felon/child molester.

    All I’m saying is that for those crimes that have a definitive start and end point for the punishment there should be a qualifying start and end point for the title of felon.