But what am I supposed to drink after next month?
But what am I supposed to drink after next month?
I said we used to have a method of dealing with traitors. Got banned for it.
Fucking done with reddits shit.
One side thinks what can Canadians do. And the other side realizes that canadians are responsible for parts of the Geneva convention because we went to war and the world went absolutely fucking not after we did.
It’s the most obvious powerplay in my memory. Isolate and remove America on the world stage from the inside. And it’s being highly successful. You couldn’t get a better Russian agent then trump.
Well one ill admit I’m not that good of shot. And 2 it’s not my country. Get your house in order, but if your rabid mutt steps onto my land I’m not responsible for what happens.
Well the guy is still standing. So you haven’t done everything. French people go and burn down the streets. You guy have written a letter and said oh that’s all we can do.
Ill believe that once those good Americans start a civil war. Nothing short of that will work. One side is trying civil methods and it’s only making the other side stronger. They are past the point of no return.
Oh I’m ready to go all the way. Trumps serious and his threats need to be taken serious. I won’t fire the first shot but I’ll make sure I’m ready to fire the last one.
Breaking news, Antarctica is cold.
I will now treat every American as an enemy. It started as me giving the middle finger to some Washington asshole on the road yesterday. Small steps. Don’t feel like going to jail yet, for the actions I really want to do.
I need compounds for there to be interest.