• 30 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2024


  • Why are our tax dollars paying any of these people? I’d rather take their salaries and divide it amongst people who donate blood, platelets, plasma, and bone marrow for free. Tell these political figures that if they truly cared about Americans they’d do their job for the same pay as some first year, public school teacher who only has a bachelor’s degree, while teaching in one of the toughest areas of a big city. I’m so sick of all these spoiled, dolled up, high class [public figures] being paid to run their mouths. Sorry, I had to replace a word in that comment to stifle how I truly feel.

  • Yep. I agree. I’ve been bullied on Lemmy for sharing the fact that I have been bullied in my own home town because local law enforcement hired exes of mine who have abused their law enforcement powers. I now have a person, or group, that follows each of my posts and comments to immediately downvote them, even if they aren’t even controversial. I just receive an automatic downvote. That pales in comparison to the verbal bashing I’ve received from that group, or person. Each time I speak out, I have this one commenter that tells me that I’m crazy and need meds to make me shut up about having been abused by an ex that was hired by our local sheriff’s department. I wonder if they sniffed my phone to follow my account. I guess that would be crazy and just earn me more hateful comments from “random” people on Lemmy, huh? My question is, do I blame Lemmy as a whole, or will people on here finally admit that some certain local in my area is stalking my account?

    When comments have become as bad as “strangers” telling me to “get raped with a rusty lawn mower blade”, I have to wonder if it’s all coming from the same IP address and if the mods even care.

  • My daughter was born with complications in 2015, and was rushed out of the delivery room to the ICU floor of the hospital without me, after birth. I’m still upset over that, and have many questions for the hospital staff who were working there that day. Oh, and someone just downvoted me for discussing my daughter. It’s probably my distant cousins who keep cyber stalking me. God forbid I put my children on Ancestry.com and reveal which P.O.S. male relative actually made them, huh? They have been following my online accounts to encourage me to be silent about my children. I don’t care. Downvotes don’t hurt my feelings. In fact, it makes them waste their time.